Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

Page 6

Cow Cans
        You will need white spray paint, sponge, black acrylic paint, raffia and the moo poo.
        Spray can (recycle any well washed can) white, let dry. Dip sponge in black paint and make cow spots.
        Let dry. Add a raffia bow, or drill holes and add a raffia handle and glue/thread to can.
        Fill with the Moo Poo....
        For the tag......"Udderly" Delicious MOO POO.
Submitted by Paulette

Hardcover Book Journal
Old hardcover books, utility knife, leather punch, hammer, leather laces, ribbon, string, paper, hole punch
Remove cover of book with utility knife.
Choose a book that has thick cover and is in good shape. You can buy the book at a thrift shop, yard sale, etc. Punch holes in the front and back cover by hammering the leather punch into it (a nail might also work). Paint or decorate the cover accordingly
Adjust your hole punch to fit the placement of your holes and punch the paper to fit inside.
Tips: Use your book journal as a scrapbook or diary. Try using old album covers, board games or license plates for the cover. The journals are a great gift idea. Choose a cover that says something about the person receiving the gift.
Submitted by Paulette

Prayer Jar
the jar/bank, whatever, would be empty...  give it with a little pad of paper and a pencil or pen.  The person you give it to is to write their worries on a piece of paper...put it into the jar/bank and say a prayer...with that the worry is given to God to handle and you don't need to fret over it anymore...
Submitted by Rhonda

Poem for Worry Jar:
Give your worries to God!
    Gather your worries...
whatever they are...
and stuff them inside
this Worry Jar. 
  Include every burden,
anxiety or doubt...
  Shove in the stopper...
Don't let them out!
  Release them to God by saying a prayer,
and let the Good Lord take it from there.
Enjoy peace of heart as you trust in God's plan,
placing your worries into His hands.
Submitted by Victoria

Prayer Rock
  I am you little prayer rock and this is what I'll do:
  Just put me on your pillow
until the day is through.
  When you turn back the cover
and climb into bed
"Thunk"...your little prayer rock
will hit you on the head.
  Then you will remember
as the day is through,
to kneel and say your prayers
as you had wanted to.
  And when you have finished
just dump me on the floor.
I'll stay there through the night
to give you help once more.
  When you get up in the morning,
"Clunk"...I'll stub your toe,
So that you'll remember
your prayers before it's time to go.
  Put me back on your pillow
when your bed is made,
And your clever little prayer rock
will continue in your aid.
  Because your Heavenly Father
cares and loves you so,
He wants you to remember
to talk to Him, you know!
  Submitted by Victoria

Cookie Hugs
A bag topper or a greeting card for sending care packages of cookies ...
"Cookie Hugs"
A "Coffee Break" is not complete,
Without a "Cookie Hug" so sweet!.
"Cookie Hugs", celebrating good days with you.
"Cookie Hugs" when you feel a bit "blue".
"Cookie Hugs" sent with all my love,
Hugging you close in prayers winging above.
"Cookie Hugs" as we stay in-touch
And to let you know you're treasured so much!
Submitted by Dori

The Calendar
        I made calendars for our immediate family last year, which included all our birthdays, anniversaries, etc...this was the poem I put on the front of each calendar with the graphics.
Our Calendar
Hang the calendar
High on the wall.
See winter and spring days,
And summer and fall.
Play days and work days,
And warm days and colder.
One day's my birthday
And then I'll be older!!
Submitted by Paulette

Dear Toothfairy
I used muslin, painted a toothfairy either in pink or blue. I put a pull string closure...The entire finished project was 3" x 6" (standard dollar bill).
The kids loose their teeth, they put them in the bag, the toothfairy exchanges it for money, they have their bag in the morning...My kids hang their bags on their doorknobs for when they are needed.
Submitted by Marie

Teaching Money bag topper
I made this up for the Kindergarten class at school....as a bag topper.
We put one of each in each bag along with the poem
Penny, penny,
Easily spent
Copper brown
and worth one cent.
Nickel, nickel,
Thick and fat,
You're worth five cents.
I now know that.
Dime, dime,
Little and thin,
I remember,
You're worth ten.
Quarter, quarter
Big and bold,
You're worth twenty-five
So I am told!
Submitted by Paulette

Craft foam fortune cookies
To make each cookie, use a pencil compass to draw 4" diameter circle onto 2 mm light pink, dark pink or red craft foam. Cut out; fold cicle in half. With fold at bottom, push in center bottom and, at the same time, bring bottom side edges together so they meet in the middle. Hot glue edges together where they meet to hold cookie shape. Write each message onto a 1/2" x 4" pice of white paper. Insert into cookie. Decorate a large food carton to put cookies in. Cartons can be purchased from a party store or a CHinese restaurant.
These directions came from Woman's World, Feb. 15, 2000 issue.
Picture(Made by Birdiekitty)
Submitted by Sherrie

"Wishing for Spring" Basket.
She filled a plastic sand bucket with a couple of packets of herb seeds, a pair of garden gloves~~ that she had painted some flowers on....and she added some homebaked cookies in the shape of flowers.
        It also had some small plant pokes in it too.
Submitted by Paulette

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