Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

Page 5

Valentine Candy Gram
My Dearest SUGAR BABY,
I hope this brings you a SNICKER as you read my message. It will not make you CHUNKY and I am not playing TWIX on you. You are my BIT-O-HONEY, BAR NONE. I am NUTRAGEOUS about you. You are always there for me in a CRUNCH. We have a GOOD-N-PLENTY life together, and I love you from here to MARS. You will always be my BIG HUNK. I wish you MOUNDS of ALMOND JOY on this Valentines...and a little RED HOT love.
©Tlc Creations, Paulette, 1998
NOTE:Collect all the seed packets for these veggies........tape skewers to them, and stick them in a Terra Cotta pot along with the candy gram poem.
Submitted by Paulette

Make this as a tag fill mug and baggie with candy and attatch
Life is Sweeter
Because of You
If blessings were candy,
you'd be my favorite flavor,
for spending time with you
is a joy I truly savor..
Like a taste of heaven,
you're an extra-special treat..
delightfully enjoyable
and wonderfully sweet !
Submitted by Sherrie

Valentines Ideas....Using Kitchen tools
        Small grater filled with Hershey Hugs...... with the saying attached...
"Hope you have a GRATE Valentine's Day."
        Small Strainer filled with Hershey Hugs..... with the saying attached.....
"It is not STRAIN to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day."
        Measuring cup filled with Hershey Hugs........with the saying attached.....
"I could never measure how much I care for you, Happy Valentine's Day."
        Coffee mug filled with Hershey Kisses....with the saying attached....
"Every time I see you, I just want to KISS your MUG, Happy Valentine's Day."
Originals by Paulette

Valentine in a Bottle
by Donna Godfrey
Last year I sent out Valentine's (birthday or whatever) greetings in empty (clean)12oz. PLASTIC 2-liter bottle soda or water bottles. We filled the bottles with colorful shredded paper, message confetti, 1/2 inch bells for noise, Valentine pencils and small erasers, wrapped candy that fit in the opening. We also included sheets of stickers and a Valentine message that were tightly rolled and secured with a small rubber band (Staple a ribbon to the message and tape to other end of the ribbon to the inside of the bottle top so the message is easy to remove). Once the bottle is filled with everything you think your recipient needs tighten the cap and wrap with some clear package tape. Put an address label on the outside and take to your local post office. This "greeting in a bottle" is perfectly mailable and wins raves from the lucky one who receives it. For birthdays, you can make it a small party in a bottle.
Your family will have fun putting these together and you will be a favorite among your family and friends!!!! have a friend who works for PO and when I first heard about this I asked her about it. yep, you can mail just about anything as long as
1) it is not glass. If it is, it has to be wrapped so cannot break,
2) it does not cause damage to other's mail (leak,etc)
3) You have to have a place to put the address and the stamps.
The plastic bottle also makes a great way to send some of those "friendship kits" and "survival kits". The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
I also have cut a slit into the bottle and placed the gifts inside. Than you tape the slit and place the address label over it. You can get a lot of objects into it this way.....I just put neat stickers on the slit when I send them.
Put pencils, beanie babies, stickers, small books, candy, socks, hair bows, matchbox cars, bibs, and just about everything else in them.
From email newsgroup
Submitted by Di

Make up the recipe for Rice Krispies treats.....spray a small funnel with non stick cooking spray. Pack the mixture into the funnel very tightly...then tap the funnel to remove. Voila ~! You have a Hershey's Kiss shape. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap...then wrap in aluminum foil. For this use the cheap thin foil. Add a Narrow paper saying coming out of the top. "I love you" or "Happy Valentines Day" "Valentine Kiss for You from..........
Submitted by Di

On the 12th day of Valentine's
Create a variation of the old Twelve Day's of Christmas but apply it to Valentine's. Each day write a little card or note that says, "On the first day of Valentine's my true love gave to me..." then fill in the rest with what you are giving. It doesn't have to be a physical gift. It could be your heart, soul, happiness, kiss, etc... Be creative!! When the twelve days are up your love will feel so completely showered by your love!!
Submitted by Janice

Valentine Crayons
What You Need
•Broken crayons
•Heavy paper cups
•Candy molds
•Microwave oven
How To Make It
1. Remove all paper on the crayons.
2. Sort according to color.
3. Melt the crayons in the paper cups in the microwave.
4. Pour into the molds.         You can make all sorts of little shapes for Valentine's Day.
Submitted by Paulette

Victorian Collage Valentines
Creating one of a kind Valentine for someone we love is fun and easy. Each valentine is made of bits and pieces of a variety of items. Gift wrap, decorative and patterned paper, paper doilies, sheet music, lace, confetti, copies of antique photos, postage stamps, newspapers [especially foreign], stickers, charms, feathers, pressed flowers, ribbon, gold thread (Mizubili cord), glitter, rubber stamps.
The technique is really too simple. Get together with several of your friends. Ask them to bring a collection of items with a "romantic" nature in appropriate colors, such as red, pink, burgundy, white, cream, and gold.
Have several pages of medium to heavy card stock paper (found at art or craft shops). Rubber art stamps (hearts and flowers), embossing powders, stamp ink pads, Dry adhesive (glue sticks, mounting tape that had the foam in the center), do not use white glue, it will buckle the paper. Give each person a few sheets of paper. Have them glue onto the paper bits and pieces of the items that they brought. Make sure that they use the dry adhesive.
Begin gluing on the largest and flattest pieces on first. Torn papers, sheet music, lace, ribbons doilies, and stickers. Don't try for composition. The idea is to use harmonious colors and textures, but collage them in a random fashion. After each artist makes their contribution of flat collage elements, have them pass the sheet on to the next person, round robin style. Make sure everyone in the group has a chance to contribute something. When everyone has finished, turn the paper over to the backside and draw on the shapes of hearts using templates, cookie cutters or stencils. Cut out the heart shapes. Turn them over and see the variety of collage hearts. At this point you may add 3 dimensional items such as charms, metallic threads etc. The thread can be anchored to the back with tape.
The final step is to assemble the hearts onto a card. Layering different papers onto each one is the key to a elegant card. Decide on the size of the card cut the paper to size. Fold over.
Next cut out another piece of paper slightly smaller than the front of the card using decorative edge cutting scissors (found at craft stores). Glue onto the top of the card. Cut a third paper smaller than the second. Vary the textures. Smooth for the base layer, corrugated paper for the next layer, and still another texture for the third layer.
Adhere the mounting tape to the underside of the heart. Add two layers of tape if you would like the heart to be raised higher off the paper. Press on to the card. Make a clear envelope for your pretty valentine from clear plastic.
Use a plastic sheet protector used for school reports. Slip the card inside. Measure and cut out. Leave the back sheet longer than the front so you will be able to fold it over. Seal the sides with clear tape. Type a romantic message on the computer.
Add a piece of Velum (sheer paper) into the printer. Print, Cut out the message and add to the inside of your card. You may also make a card to cover and decorate the top of a gift box. Take the lid of the box and lay it on the decorative paper and measure. Cut out and glue to the lid. Continue the same steps you would use to make the card.
This is also a great project for children.
Cathy LaMontagne
Submitted by Shelley

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