Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

Page 3

Shaker Cards
Craft Board - 1/8 - 1/4 inch thick lightweight foam with cardstock-type cover on both sides.(Foam Core Board)
Card Stock
Clear, Heavy Plastic
Crayons or Markers
Misc. Craft Supplies
Begin by cutting the craft board with an exacto knife to about 3 x 6 inch, or whatever size you want. Then get some plain card stock and cut 2 pieces the same size as the board. With the knife, cut out a heart, about 2x 2, in the center of one piece, laid it on top of the board and marked the heart, then cut it out of the board. Get a piece of clear plastic,like from a sheet protector, and cut a piece big enough to cover the cut-out with enough border for glue. Now it is ready for the kids. You should have a piece of cardstock, plain; one piece of cardstock with acut-out; one piece of clear plastic; and one piece of board with a cut-out for each child. Let the kids decorate the 2 pieces of cardstock with crayons, markers, stickers, lace, ribbon - whatever you have. When they are done, glue the plastic to the wrong side of the cardstock with the cut-out, then glue the 2 cut-out pieces together, lining up the cut-outs. Put a small handfull of metallic confetti - this one had multi-colored hearts - or anything else you might think of in the "window". Glue the back piece on to seal it in, and trim the edges if needed.
Picture Card
Construction Paper
Picture of Child
Paper Doily
Pen , Pencil, or Crayon
Take your construction paper, try not to fold and cut it into a heart shape, take a poloriad picture or a 1 hour photo shot of each child, take a paper lace doily and glue the picture to the doily with the lace around the picture, have the child write a cute verse, or you can write it and let them sign their name. Here are a few verses, or make up your own!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope you like this picture
of me to you.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I made this
Just for you.
Valentine Cards
Construction Paper
Pen , Pencil, or Crayon
Cut out heart shapes from paper. On the Heart, tape a piece of gum and write this poem...

I love you,
I love you,
I love you divine,
Please give me your bubblegum,
Cuz you're Sitting On Mine!
Edible Valentines
Graham Crackers or Construction Paper
Glue or Frosting
Candy Conversation Hearts
Cut out hearts from construction paper (or use graham crackers for the base of the card), and glue the candy conversatin hearts on them. (For edible ones, use frosting for the glue)
Magic Valentines
2 Sheets of White Paper
Various Sizes of Paper Hearts
Put hearts on 1 sheet of paper and place other sheet on top, paper clip together to keep them from slipping, rub the side of the crayon over the surface of the paper. Hearts will appear like "magic".
Heart Puzzles
Marking Pens
Various Sizes of Paper Hearts
Cut hearts in half leaving a zig-zagged edge. Number both sides of the heart with the same number or letter. Let children match heart halves.
Laced Hearts
Hole Puncher
Hearts cut out of Carboard
Shoelaces or Ribbons
Punch holes around outside edge of heart. Let children weave shoelaces or ribbons through holes. Tie ends in a bow.
Heart Caterpillars
Construction Paper
Cut out hearts for the lenghth of the body (as many hearts and different colors as you like) and glue them together. You can decorate the body with little hearts or stickers. For the antena I cut a little heart and glue them on, and the eyes can be little hearts too.
Picture Hearts
Construction Paper
Fabric Paint (in tubes or bottles)
Picture of child
Cut out a bigger heart and cut a heart out of the center.Then write, I love you mom and dad or whatever you want. Use tubes of fabric paints to decorate them. Then when they are dry, put the picture in the center.
Mail Boxes
Shoe Box
Construction Paper
Misc. Crafts Supplies
Cover the shoe box with red construction paper, and cut a mail slot in the top. Decorate the box with paper scraps, material scraps, stickers, what ever you want.
Mosaic hearts
Construction Paper
Crepe Paper or Tissue Paper
Cut out a large heart. Cut up small pieces of construction paper (either pink or red but not the same color as the heart) and glue them all over the heart. You can also use pieces of crepe paper which are crumbled up.
Heart People
Construction Paper
Cut out a heart (large) and glue on hearts for eyes, nose & mouth. Attach paper strips, folded accordian style, for arms and legs and trace childs hands and feet and attach to the accordian strips.
Valentines Collages
Construction Paper
Misc. craft Supplies
Cut out hearts of different colors and sizes, and use extra things like pink or red feathers, arrows ect. and just paste away on a large sheet of construction paper.
Valentines Gift
Construction Paper
Red Tempera Paint
Misc. craft Supplies
Cut various shaped hearts from white and pink construction paper. Using red tempera paint, decorate the hearts with children's thumbprints. Set hearts aside to dry. On a 4 1/2 by 8 1/2 inch paper write out "Thumb-ody Loves You", and tape the paper to an empty 12oz juice can. Glue a painted heart to the can, then glue the remaining hearts to popsicle sticks. Press a small amount of clay into the bottom of the can, then tuck a small amount of red tissue into the can, and then insert the sticks through the paper and into the clay.
Valentines Wreaths
Construction Paper
Paper Plates
Yarn or Ribbon
Cut out diffrent sized, smaller hearts from red and pink paper ( a whole bunch of them ). Then cut the middle out of a paper plate and glue the hearts all over the plate to make a valentine wreath. Make bows with some yarn or ribbon.
Valentines Person
Paint the child's hand red and print it on paper twice to make a heart. Cut out eyes, mouth, arms and legs and let the child glue them on the heart.
Modge Podge Hearts
Construction Paper
Modge Podge
Picture of Child (optional)
Cut out heart shapes from heavy poster board, have kids glue red and pink (small) pieces of construction paper on hearts. If you have small pictures of kids, glue in the center of the heart. Using fingers, cover the entire heart with a thin coating of modge podge, it will dry clear and glossy. You can put magnet strips on the back.
Valentine Bunny
Baby Food Jars
Cotton Balls
Construction Paper
Picture of Child (optional)
Fill baby jars with cotton balls. Cut out 1 large heart which is just a little taller and wider than the front of the jar. Cut out a med. size heart which is a about 1" larger than the base of the jar. Cut out 2 small hearts (about the size of a penny or dime). Glue large heart to the face of the jar so that the top of the heart extends beyond the top of the jar (gives the appearance of ears). Glue med. heart to the base of the jar so that the top of the heart extends beyond the front of the jar (top of heart sticking out from the base will look like feet). Glue small hearts on the sides of the jar in the middle (looks like hands). Glue a cotton ball to the back of the jar (looks like a cotton tail). **Have the kids draw the face on the large heart before gluing.
Valentine Collage
Clear Contact Paper
Misc Materials (see below)
Each child has a piece of sticky paper (contact paper) taped to the table. Provide them with valentine tissue paper, ribbons, hearts, paper scraps, white pink pom poms, white feathers, red material, and anthing else you can think of.
Smelly Valentines
Glue or Stapler
Cotton Balls
Cut out 2 large hearts the same size; decorate as you wish. Spray perfume on cotton balls. Staple or glue around edges of hearts, leave an opening. Stuff the cotton balls inside. Seal the opening.
Submitted by Rosellen

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