Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

This & That

Dissolve 4 heaping T. Epsom salts in 1 cup of beer. This will foam. Let set for at least 30 minutes. The salt crystals will partially dissolve.
Apply to window. This can be done with a 2 inch paint brush, but for a nicer effect, dip a facial tissue or terry cloth in the liquid and wipe over the window as if you were washing it. Then while the window is still wet go back and dab and pat at the glass with the wet tissue.
Mixture dries to form beautiful crystals.
This looks even better the next day, and lasts a long time.
It can be washed off with water and a cloth and is easily reapplied.

1/2 c salt
1 c flour
1 T oil
1 t cream of tartar
1 c water
Balloons - 3 or 4 for each ball
Mix dough ingredients together it a pot and heat until doughy, stirring constantly. This should only take a few minutes. Remove from pot, knead till smooth then leave to cool for about 1/2 an hour.
Take 3 or 4 balloons and cut most of the neck off each one, so you just have the round bit. Now take a ball of dough about 2" or 3" across. The more you pack into one balloon, the less squishy it will be. Stretch one ballooon over it. This can be a bit tricky. Now quickly (before it all oozes out again) put this inside another balloon, hole first (so that the second balloon covers up the hole in the first one). Put this inside another ballon in the same way. After you put the last one one, use your nails to pinch up a little of the last balloon and tie.

Use instant coffee.
Add 4 T. of coffee to a spray bottle filled with hot water and mix well.
Hang the fabric or finished project on a clothesline and spray with the mixture.
Leave hanging on the line until dry.

7 oz. borax
3 qts hot water
3 oz. boric acid
Make a paste from borax and a little hot water. Add remainder of hot water and boric acid; stir until clear.
Dip item to be fireproofed in solution, wetting completely. Let dry.

2 c Ivory Snow
1/2 c water
Toothpicks,twigs, cloves, buttons, felt, seed beads, tempera paints.
Pour Ivory Snow into bowl, add water and whip with electric beater until doughy.
Shape damp soap into three balls. Stack them by gently pushing a toothpick halfway in the center of the bottom ball. Then push the middle ball onto the pick until the two balls touch. Do same for the head.
Add twig arms, clove eyes, shirt buttons and a felt scarf. Make smile with a row of seed beads. Make carrot nose with a painted twig. Top off snowman with hat and ear muffs.
As the soap dries (this will take a few hours), it will lose its grayish tinge and turn white.

Colored SALT Glitter
Making your homemade glitter for your with salt allows you to create your own favorite colors for enhancing homemade cards and art projects.
Add 1 tablespoon liquid watercolor to 1/4 cup salt
Spread out on paper towels and microwave for 2 minutes.
Using fingers, break up any dried clumps

Colors and what they represent
White..........Protection, peace, truth
Green..........Healing, money and prosperity
Pink...........Emotional love, harmony, affection
Red............Love, passion, courage, energy
Yellow.........Friendship, learning, clairvoyance
Purple.........Spiritual shield, dignity
Blue...........Forgiver, healing, tranquility
Turquoise...Awareness, meditation, creativity
Peach..........Gentle, strength, joy
Lt. Blue.......Peace, tranquility

Dissolve 1 Milk of Maagnesia tablet (or 2 t.of magnesium carbonate) in 1 quart of club soda in a plastic container. Chill the mixture.
Sandwich the clipping between 2 pieces of screen or pellon (sold in fabric stores). Soak the sandwich and keep wet for thirty minutes and blot carefully with blotting paper (or something similar).
Allow to dry overnight, on blotting paper on a flat smooth surface. Once throughly dry, the clipping may be added to a scrapbook. Or to just store the clipping (in a box for exanple); place it in a well-sealed, archival type plastic bag.

Take the time to fit and position the stencil design on your project before beginning. Lightly mark the stencil position with pencil or chalk.
Use tape or spray adhesive to anchor a stencil.
Since you may want to change colors more often than you'll want to clean a brush, keep a separate brush for each paint color.
For more control, hold the brush with your hand comfortably close to the bristles.
Tap the brush tip in paint and swirl on a paper towel to load evenly. Use as little paint as possible. Swirl lightly on the plastic stencil, then move over cut opening. Continue swirling until space is evenly colored.
Shade or accent the edges of a stencil by swirling the brush around the edge without crossing the center. Swirl first in one direction, then the other, for a smooth look. Work darker colors over lighter ones.
If paint smears or smudges under the stencil edge, move the stencil slightly to cover it and paint again for a sharp edge. Most such leaks are caused by too much paint on the brush.
For large errors, press a clean piece of tape on fresh paint and lift to remove. Repeat 2-3 times, using a clean piece of tape each time. Use a white plastic eraser, rubbing short strokes, to remove any remaining paint.
If the paint has had time to set, don't despair! You can always paint over it. You may even want to use your "mistake" as part of a new, better design.
To clean stencils, lay the stencil on a flat work surface. To prevent damage, rub gently with a paper towel or tissue wet with baby oil. Clean away the baby oil with rubbing alcohol.