Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

Page 2

Penny Hugs
In workpants and plaid flannel shirt,
with shiny eyes and heart-filled love,
so tenderly, our special Angel
scatters "Penny Hugs" from above.
When an Angel you've loved misses you,
they'll toss a penny down to say,
"I'm sending hugs, warm sunny smiles
and my love to brighten your day"!
©DAB 4-17-2000

Just a little thank you
For everything you do
When things get very hectic
while helping out in school.
Take a moment to mix up
This very special treat
A packet of Kool Aid
For our KOOL AIDE--
Because we think you're neat!

Cowboy Bubble Bath
So you are a cowboy
Well here's a cowboy treat
Boil them in the water
Eat all that you can eat!
Draw yourself a nice warm bath-
In an hour quit your hooting-
Bubbles galore will fill the tub
As you find yourself a tootin!
It wont be long you'll sing a song
Then you'll begin to laugh
'Cause you'll find you are sitting
In a cowboy bubble bath!

Jack in the Beanstalk(cute gift for a gardner)
Take a package of regular green bean seeds or you can use lima beans, and a little package of 'magic' dirt.
Plant with care not too near the house
but where you can get to it easy enough,
stand back water and let it grow.
If you're real lucky, you're beanstalk
should grow just like Jacks.

Your Guardian Angel Feather
I am an angel feather,
sent from God above.,
To serve as a reminder,
he watches and sends his love.
I'm from your guardian angel,
that the Lord assigned to you.
She dropped it in her struggles,
as she protected you.
Each time you almost stumble,
each time you nearly fall.
Thank God and all his angels,
for answering you call

Angel Seeds or kisses or hugs
In this packet you will find
Angel Seeds of the sweetest kind
If you eat one you will see
Your heart will be most lovingly
Eating two or three or four
Will bring you happiness and more
Angel wings and shinny halo
as into an angel you grow
Poem by birdiekity

My mama always told me
"Lucky Pennies" are a gift.
The angels throw them down here
When someone needs a lift.
And so I give this gift to you,
'though it doesn't look like much.
It is filled with special meaning
And is blessed by an angel's touch.

Tampon Angel Poem
When you were much younger
You found a friend
Who's monthly visits seemed
Never to end.
She made your moods
Swing high and low,
Caused pain and embarrassment
Where ever she'd go.
Now she is gone,
But here to stay
Is an angelic reminder
Of yesterday.

Highway Angel
Here's a Little Highway Angel,
your guardian in the car.
Mapping a safe journey for you,
be it near or far.
She'll help to watch the roads with care,
and she's an expert at reading maps.
She'll shield your car against problems,
and prevent those "I'm lost" mishaps!
May you use this Highway Angel,
to sweetly guide your way each day.
Place her someplace special in your car,
to shelter your traveled way.

Office Guardian Angel
I'm your office guardian angel,
On your desk I will reside
No matter how tough your workday
I will be here by your side.
Your "in basket" may overflow
The computer may go "crash"
A project you just finished
May end up getting trashed.
No matter what the problem is
Please know I'm close at hand,
To help you out and try to see
Things will end up as you planned!

Angel Seeds
God created angel seeds
To let us know He cares.
Prescription: Take one seed per day
And swallow it with prayer.

Angel Seeds or kisses or hugs
In this packet you will find
Angel Seeds of the sweetest kind
If you eat one you will see
Your heart will be most lovingly
Eating two or three or four
Will bring you happiness and more
Angel wings and shinny halo
as into an angel you grow
Poem by birdiekity

Angel Seeds
Angel seeds are delicate
So plant them in a spot just right
Do it with a little prayer
and love them day and night
So when you are in special need
of the Angel's love and care
Look into your heart to see
your Angel living there

Bag Topper Poem for Pick Me Up
Saw this and thought it would make a good bag topper for a pick me up for someone that is down.
Use the skittles or jelly beans for the candy in the bag
Rainbows of Promise
After the storm comes the rainbow
it's God's promise to us
the promise of a new day
a new life...a new beginning
colors of pastel soft and tender
speak of love and hope
sit back and glaze upwards...what do you see
pinks...blues...green and yellow lavenders...peach the rainbow sings so sweetly...
hear it...
it's God's promise of a new tomorrow.
~~author unknown~~
Submitted by Paulette


Jelly Bean Bag Topper
Doing this one up as a bag topper with jelly beans in the bag, for my angel loving friends.
When an Angel cries the tears turn into Pearl Drops and fall to Earth.
The person finding these tears will be blessed by the Angels.
The Green Tear Drop brings Wealth.
The Yellow Tear Drop brings Health.
The Blue Tear Drop brings Wisdom.
The Red Tear Drop brings Romance.
Submitted by Paulette

Beanie Poem
When you HAVE to find a Beanie
And can't take out a loan
Plant these little Beanie Seeds
And soon you'll grow your own!
Submitted by Shelley

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