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From our participants

Snake Goddess Katie

Madhu Kashap, a member of our Tantra Club, shares here her experience of the elemental forces of the spring storm as a manifestation of the male and female principles:

Friday 21st April 2000

Storms Over Azogires

Yet has Shiva struck his love through the many flashes of lightening, and Parbita resounding with the thundering roar across her belly? Through this dance of intimacy is the offering of the rain. As it falls so it creates a sweet melody.

 And the womb is filled with moisture, the trees welcoming the food of love, and the earth releasing its musty fragrance.

Yes I am in love. I enjoy love making,
My eternal form of creation and procreation stands before me. Come rejoice in my dance.

So I sit and watch the heavy rain, the darting, quivering lightening and the thunderous roar. We are in the cloud and watching the enjoyment of nature's love making. Where is the single hoot bat, the tiny darting birds? Where are the kind looking dogs - are their furs dampened showing the elegant bodies? Will they still be sitting majestically ready to announce visitors to the villagers? Does anyone come?

What was nature's foreplay?

It started with the warm breeze of Shiva, caressing the cold limbs of Parbita. Slowly her limbs softened and melted. She heaved and allowed the warmth to touch the core of her huge heart. It started to tremble, and all her limbs surrended with gentle uncontrollable impulses.
The steady breeze was soft and loving.
She started to roll with pleasure.
He intensified his desire and pushed harder knowing her ecstatic responses would follow.
She sighed, called out loudly, her pleasure increasing.
He dived deeper into the intimate dance, focusing his intense pleasure into her womb.
She exploded with groans and yawns.
He threw darts of light, his semen.
Her ovaries yielded thousands of eggs ready to be fertilised.

They pulled a blanket over their lovemaking and engaged for a few hours more.

I don't know love but I feel this. It is the dance of love.
It has sounds of its own and music that raises my spirits.
Oh Shiva, what inspires you to move towards me, the mother earth?
Would you not be happy on your mountaintop enjoying the universe?
I am of many faces, who has needs very much my own.
Many things look to me for support - the trees, herbs, flowers, animals, man and they are dear to me.
 Oh Shiva, I am grateful that you come to excite me to release my wealth to allow my vulnerable children to flourish.

Soon I will need rest, and soon my children will want my love.
And you will shine for them, giving them the consciousness they need.
And we in our quiet period will watch them flourish.
They will dance, laugh, sing, and grow in the bath of love and light.

Wild sea at the Roman Harbour beach in March

Olive grove by Susan Beaulah

Minoan Snake Goddess, Boston Museum

Cora Greenhill is a workshop leader and a writer, who has a particular passion for the heritage of the Minoan civilisation. She feels a close connection with Azogires, where she teaches 5 Rythms dance and other workshops, as well as participating in the Tantra Club. This is a poem from her book Deep in Time.

The Strength of Cups


The strength I find no name for
in my Thesaurus
I see was celebrated here
in the sacral knot
the spiralled pot
the snakes that slither and glide
the octopus that clasps and sucks

where the throat of the crocus,
the mouth of the cave,
are invitations to enter
the labyrinth's path
be drawn in
sweet body of the dark
to source the scent...

of a woman stood taut-waisted
breath drawn up, chest filled with fire,
bare breasts flared:
holder of power
golden serpents
arched from her arms
arched upwards
poised: the power of poise
not pounce
it is the power of holding
not the strike
not the strength of the sword
held high, but of cups
hand moulded

of baked earth
strong with the heat of the sun
and great bellied jugs
strong bellied
strong bodied
the body thus strong
supports the voice
the voice rises
gives song to the stars
and all is held
in a strong web
a strong fine web
finely designed
hand made
