The Straits Times June 17, 2000 Sinead O'Connor FAITH AND COURAGE IN ANOTHER epoch, Sinead O'Connor would have been a pagan goddess, a feral Blair Witch preying on goody-two-shoes domesticity. Instead, on the cusp of the millennium, she has been branded a nutty intransigent with a talent for career combustion. With Faith And Courage, she soldiers on. Reinventing herself as a sexy, strong and god-fearing feminist, the Irish maverick has made a luminous pop album lit by fire and clear-eyed calmness. But hey, she still has a lot of work to do, as the newly-ordained archdeacon snarls in the raging first single, No Man's Woman. From the reggae-dub religious anthem, The Lamb's Book Of Life, to the mutant punk-rocker, Daddy I'm Fine, O'Connor takes off on her heroic crusade into the Great Unknown. Yeow Kai Chai