Going Live!

My name is Ragey, and I the Editor-in-Chief of Gaming X. To begin with, I'd like to give a huge shout out to the staff writers of the site. They've done an amazing job in providing this content so quick and pain-free. Thanks guys!

There goes the entirety of my shout outs for today, so now onto the main beef of the article/introduction. The site is obviously very minuscule compared to some major sites such as Gamespy, Gamespot, IGN etc. and the site will never probably reach those kinds of levels in terms of site hits. But what we do hope to achieve is some sort of dignity in the way we report gaming news.

My dream of this site is for it not to become just another magazine on the web. Sure, it'll contain previews and game sections etc. but I don't want it to become another game review site. My aims for the site extend beyond that. I want it to become a site dedicated to analysing how the industry is evolving, how games have affected us, how developers are coping etc. I want it to analyse games, not review them. I want it to effect gamers personally, not just if they are going to buy the new Fifa game (don't, by the way).

I also want it to cover all platforms also. I felt that if we restricted ourselves to just one platform then we would become jaded and a bit cynical towards the other platforms (which is something I am most definitely against). Although I am a Nintendo-phile at heart, I have the utmost respect for both the Playstation2 and the XBOX. Both have achieved greatness, and are both great machines. Any intelligent gamer will know not to constrict him/herself to one platform. The intelligent gamer purchases as many platforms as possible, to enjoy the widest possible range of games.

The site has been a labour of love. Although we are only small now, once the site gets rolling, expect even greater things to come. We will have our weekly column up shortly, where a few avid gamers will discuss their opinions and thoughts on any gaming subject. We will begin our monthly genre special soon, where each month we will take one sub-genre (for example, this month's will be action RPGs) and then analyse their impact, their strengths and weaknesses, and also dissect a few choice games from the genre and in end decide if the genre is worth all the hassle.

Well, that's just a short introduction from me, thanks for reading.


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