[Tripod Counter]
(1) Michael preaching to the teens in the park in Cork, Ireland
(2)  William and Anna with Michael in Cork, Ireland. William had been shot several times while preaching the gospel in Ireland.
(3)  Brian in Waterford, Ireland.
(4)  Michael contending with the drunk on O'Connell Street in Dublin  just before he prayed and was miraculously changed.
(5)  Three brothers in Christ handing out tracts in Belfast, North Ireland.
(6)   All police cars in Belfast,  were armored cars with "crime-stoppers" painted on the sides. They drive down the road with the doors open ready to jump out.
(7)  Brother John Edwards and Michael in Glasgow, Scotland.
(8)   Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
(9)  Stadium in Cardiff, Wales were we held the crosses after the game between Wales and Poland.
(10)   Police in Cardiff, Wales after the game riot at the bus station.
(11)  Manchester, England.
(12)   Brother Peter Young and the demon possessed woman in Bristol, England.
(13)   Brian in front of Buckingham Palace in London, England.
(14)   The streets of London.
(15)   Michael, Maria and Mary Siemer, traveled with us seeing Ireland and the United Kingdom.
(16)   London train station.
(17)   Plane headed home to the USA took about 8 hours at 39,000 feet cruising about 550 mph.