For the latest news and happenings of Corumburg, updated citizen list, and new noble list, please visit the forums of Corumburg. This webpage is simply for reference.  Please click here to go to our forums.  

Welcome to the Empire of Corumburg's Official Webiste. The above is the Coat of arms for the Imperial Family, which is also the coat of arms for the Empire.

 The Empire is a micro nation that is seeking national statehood. The Principality was established December 11, 2002 and became an Empire on May 29, 2003. We are a SERIOUS micro nation. We are not just doing this for a game or fun. A micro nation is a nation that does not necessarily have actual land that they control. One of our goal though is to gain land and become a recognized country.

The Empire is currently looking for land in either East Tennessee or an island country in the Caribbean.

Corumburg National Anthem  (to the tune of "God Save the Queen.")

"God on His righteous throne
 Come down and guide us all
 And make us strong.

 Our Emperor is loved by all
 Guiding our land along
 Long reign to the Emperor
 God save His soul."

The Empire is looking for "citizens" to join the country. (Go to the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Page.)  

Nation motto: Deo Juvante (French meaning, "With the help of God.")

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