Vulgaria Treaty
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Corumburg
Basic Treaty of Most Favored Nation Status between Empire of Vulgaria and Empire of Corumburg
Empire of Corumburg
August 5th, 2003
TREATY BETWEEN Empire of Vulgaria AND Empire of Corumburg
The Treating Parties:
Empire of Vulgaria
Empire of Corumburg
Article 1.
By this Treaty, the High Contracting Parties establish among themselves diplomatic relations.
Article 2.
The Treating Parties shall secure and guarantee to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948..
Article 3.
1. Empire of Vulgaria hereby recognizes The Empire of Corumburg as a sovereign, independent and democratic state under International Law for all intents and purposes.
2. The Empire of Corumburg hereby recognizes the Empire of Vulgaria as a sovereign, independent and democratic state under International Law for all intents and purposes.
Article 4.
1. Empire of Vulgaria shall be free to take such measures, as it shall deem expedient to maintain diplomatic relations between itself and the Empire of Corumburg.
2. Empire of Corumburg shall be free to take such measures, as it shall deem expedient to maintain diplomatic relations between itself and the Empire of Vulgaria.
3. Empire of Corumburg hereby affirms that it will not attack or invade the Empire of Corumburg, or otherwise violate the territorial integrity or national sovereignty of the same, or harm the person or interests of any citizen of the same.
4. Empire of Corumburg hereby affirms that it will not attack or invade the Empire of Vulgaria, or otherwise violate the territorial integrity or national sovereignty of the same, or harm the person or interests of any citizen of the same.
Article 5.
1. Any citizen of the Empire of Vulgaria that is found guilty of committing heinous crimes in the Empire of Corumburg shall be delivered to the Empire of Vulgaria upon request and shall be barred from further entry to the Empire of Corumburg.
2. Any citizen of the Empire of Corumburg that is found guilty of committing heinous crimes in the Empire of Vulgaria shall be delivered to the Empire of Corumburg upon request and shall be barred from further entry to the Empire of Vulgaria.
3. Any citizen of the Empire of Vulgaria that is found guilty in the courts of the Empire of Vulgaria’s realm or is a suspect in a case and flees to the Empire of Corumburg to prevent sentencing or trial; the Empire of Corumburg shall deliver him to the Empire of Vulgaria upon arrest.
4. Any citizen of the Empire of Corumburg that is found guilty in the courts of the realm or is a suspect in a case and flees to the Empire of Vulgaria to prevent sentencing or trial; the Empire of Vulgaria shall deliver him to the Empire of Corumburg upon arrest.
Article 6.
1. The Head of State of Empire of Vulgaria, the Government (or any member thereof) of the Empire of Vulgaria shall enjoy full sovereign immunity whilst within the jurisdiction of the Empire of Corumburg.
2. The Ambassador of the Empire of Vulgaria, any member of his diplomatic staff, or any other diplomat of any rank of Empire of Vulgaria shall enjoy full diplomatic immunity whilst within the jurisdiction of the Empire of Corumburg.
3. His Imperial Majesty of the Empire of Corumburg, the Government (or any member thereof) of the Empire of Corumburg shall enjoy full sovereign immunity whilst within the jurisdiction of Empire of Vulgaria.
4. The Ambassador of the Empire of Corumburg, any member of his diplomatic staff, or any other diplomat of any rank of the Empire of Corumburg shall enjoy full diplomatic immunity whilst within the jurisdiction of Empire of Vulgaria.
5. Nothing in this Article shall apply to the commission of treason or espionage against the Empire of Corumburg or against the Empire of Vulgaria respectively by any of the persons heretofore mentioned.
6. In the Empire of Corumburg, the websites or any other virtual property which shall together constitute the Embassy of the Empire of Vulgaria shall be deemed for the purposes of this Article to be part of the territory of the Empire of Vulgaria and as such shall be treated as being under the sole jurisdiction of Empire of Vulgaria; in the Empire of Vulgaria, the websites or any other virtual property which shall together constitute the Embassy of the Empire of Corumburg shall be deemed for the purposes of this Article to be part of the territory of the Empire of Corumburg and as such shall be treated as being under the sole jurisdiction of the Empire of Corumburg.
7. The Treating Parties hereby declare their assent to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, and their affirmation to abide by all and sundry the provisions of the same.
Article 7.
The Treating Parties agree to recognize all titles of nobility and ranks and offices of each other, if conferred lawfully by the rightful authorities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the above named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals.
FOR Empire of Vulgaria: FOR Empire of Corumburg
GIVEN August 5th, 2003; 7:12 p.m. By HIM Emperor Adam I. Emperor of Corumburg, Grand Duke of Keran, Prince of Selvidge, Duke of Kentwood,
[HIM Emperor Adam I. Emperor of Corumburg, Grand Duke of Keran, Prince of Selvidge, Duke of Kentwood; the Empire of Corumburg, August 5th, 2003]
George R. I.