Ministry of Immigration
Below is the application to beocme a citizen of Corumburg. The ministry of Immigration is in charge of recruiting new citizens and approving citizenship. Send the completed application to
Name of Applicant:
Date of Birth:
Street Address:
City, State & Zip Code
(Or City, Region, Postal Code):
Country of Residence:
E-Mail Address:
Marital status
Number of dependent minors (Below 15 years of age)
URL of homepage, if applicable
Where did you first hear of Corumburg?
Current National Affiliations
What is your current "official" nationality?
*** Are you already a citizen of another micronation, or have an (active) application for citizenship in another micronation?
What is your current micro-nationality?
Personal qualifications
What interests, skills, hobbies, personal attributes, etc. do you Have which you feel uniquely qualifies you to be granted citizenship?
What do you expect of the Principality of Corumburg, should you be granted citizenship?
What can the Principality of Corumburg expect of you, should you be granted citizenship?
In addition, please take a moment and put the word "yes" after each statement to show that you understand the following:
I affirm that I understasnd that the first priority of Corumburg is statehood -- that we are a serious micro nation that wants to form a new country, with loyal subjects.
I affirm that I have studied the laws regarding : Citizenship, and the laws regarding : a citizen's rights, and that, if there were any questions, I have asked them already.
I understand and accept that citizenship, should it be granted, enhances, but does not invalidate, any existing citizenship. Unless it is with another micro nation
I understand and accept that the Principality of Corumburg is, at present, non-territorial, and currently an aspiring state and cannot provide access to immigration or relocation services by the use of this citizenship program.
I understand and accept that I may renounce my citizenship at any time, subject to notification in writing to the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship and the return of all Citizenship and Personal Identification documentation to the Ministry thereof.
I understand and accept that all citizenship documentation as issued to me by the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship shall remain the property of Corumburg and must be surrendered to appropriately authorized representatives of the Principality upon request.
I understand and accept that the information provided within this application is strictly confidential and will not be communicated to any third party, except in the case of formal written request by foreign governmental agencies.
I affirm that the information provided about myself above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please add any comments you have below:
I sweat alliance to the Sovereign Prince, and hereby give full achknowledgement of the respect that is given to the Princely Family.