Musha Shugyo


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The title of this denotes a sort of vainglory. So maybe I am lying, or at least heavily exaggerating, but it’s the way I see things. A Musha Shugyo was a warrior’s quest, where a young samurai in medieval Japan went out to journey the land to test and hone their abilities without the protection of their family. I am obviously not a warrior and obviously not a samurai, but I thought the idea worked. The astute reader may find a quote or two which I stole from a movie, or two or three. I will also never use a real name, as my intention is not slanderous.







Kukanchi.jpg (10879 bytes)  Genesis    What a  long strange trip its been....

Death.jpg (92113 bytes)   SC Home for Boys   Welcome to the jungle....

darkdiv.JPG (15476 bytes)  NTC  I've been to the desert on a horse with no name...

ian6.JPG (48426 bytes)  New Horizons    Ramble on....

ian5.JPG (138370 bytes)   The Wait     Time keeps ticking away.....

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