Jim Bob

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I live in Tacoma, Washington with my lovely wife, one ole German Shepherd, a senile snaggly cat, and 1 bird. I turned 60 June 2005. My hobbies include Golf, Music, Pro Football, Fishing, RC model sailboats, and Computer Gaming.

I graduated from the University of Washington College of Pharmacy in 1968. We owned our own pharmacy in the Tacoma area for 17 years. I have managed a Safeway Pharmacy the last 15 years. I don't plan to retire any time soon. I currently work about 44 hours/week. I really enjoy retail pharmacy. There is always something new to learn and customers can be a hoot.

I enjoy computer gaming and play several different genre. CFS is great fun. I get my sorry ass kicked by Dusty, Falcon, and other Outlaws.... But, I really have a great time. I always log off with a sore butt and a smile on my face....hmmm.

Cry babies, cheaters, and poor sports are not tolerated when you fly with the Outlaws.....just plan on good fellowship and hard nose flying. Plus, if you need any help tweaking your plane or tips on how to improve your game, the Outlaws are the best.