Carls Site     |   home
WHO AM I?...
I am, like you; A sphere...
Im progressing my art every day, and eventually I hope to make a career out of this site is just another attempt to get my stuff out there...Id be happy if some creature gave me a project to work on...hhhgnzzt.
(more recent updates towards the bottom)
UPDATE... 2/21/02 I gots a fine lil' digital camera. This should be fun.  By the way...Im gonna start doing somthing with this site...or somthing...yeah..


you can now find new stuff here, including the results of a biology poll ( dont worry folks, its only temporary)
Like Ive said, I get really bored, so give me a job and dont let my ambition go to waste...(serously, Im updating twice a year now!...)

UPDATE: 8/27/02 9:22 p.m.

I failed my driving test...the one thats supposed to be a joke. I however, do not find it funny...
This website is now about 400% larger. New content and features added.. Mabey Ill add a counter, chatroom and some video clips if tripod permits me the space...
(im not really out of pez, and my hair has now grown back)
you may have found all this boring, if so, pleace proceed to MY ART section...

UPDATE: 8/22/02 10:15 p.m.

hmm.. I seem to have gone back in time.. no matter. Theres been a number of improvements of the site, including a counter, guestbook and animations. This is the version of the site I plan on releasing to some people ............................................................

Changes have been made thanks to excellent feedback from viewers.
-Video reels are now the same, and are both wmv format. (the * has been removed from that page)
-Some drawings have been resized to fit the screen.
-An extra 1GB of bandwith has been added to the site (more viewing!)
-Schools next week! check out my rad skool!
-Web links have been minimized.

UPDATE 10/12/02

many changes have been made to the site, including updated links, and more art!

My new front page is homage to my dear departed cat, may she rest in peace....:(

if you see anything that could use improvement, any comments whatsoever, e-mail me!


UPDATE 10/20/02 (11:33pm)

hahaha. more power! more bandwidth! Ph33r my tripod hostedness!

-A special Documentary on my alter-ego, EMERALD WEAPON! check it out--                                                         

UPDATE 10/30/02 (3:21p.m.)

My website should now SCROLL WITH TEXT. enhancing readability 100 fold...
Odd links have been placed under Guestbook is now.....