Cruising the  Bahamas

A guide for the inexperienced cruiser 

but the experienced cruiser might find some things of interest!

WELCOME!! So you've bought a boat and you've done a few overnighters and now you'd like to do some real cruising and (if you live on the east coast of Florida) the Bahamas are just over the horizon.  There is quite an expanse of open sea and the forbidding Gulf Stream to cross before you can enjoy the sandy beaches and other tropical delights and you're just a little nervous about venturing beyond the land. You aren't alone as I've met many a boat owner with the same apprehensions. This web page is designed to help you plan for your first Bahamas cruise, but I hope that even the veteran cruiser might find a few things of benefit.

I've tried to include everything that I thought might help you with your first time crossing.  The site index follows. Just click on the title to go to the page.



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