Dig The Tunes Man....

Welcome to my Stoney Mp3 and Funny Shit page!
I will add some killer Mp3's as I get them..
                                                                              - KingMage

Smoke Me!


Check It Out! My Latest Stoney CD purchaseCheck It Out!

Big Bird Gets High - This is one of the funniest Mp3's ive ever heard! Thanks Catman!

 Delta Ad. - Heh.......Funny assed wave file...check it out Beeoootch!  Thanks Damage!

Armagedd.wav - Heh, another funny Wave file...Thanks again Damage!

Kuduchi.wav - Hmm...trippy....Not sure what to make of it.... Thanks once again Damage!

Uncle Fucka.Mp3 - From the Southpark Movie...funny as shit...Thanks Sandz!

Monkey.mpg - Funny as shit......Makes me thirsty! bahhah check it out! Thx Autieojoi!

Kermit.exe   This is a killer little video....Kermits sexual exploits caught on tape!
                                    Thanks Damage!

Pizzaguy.mpgWell, this is kinda disturbing :]  Its why I'd NEVER be a pizza guy..
                                            Thanks Shawk!

Smoke Me!

My Tribute to good ole Bill Clinton!
Remember, these Mp3's are zipped, so unzip them after ya DL em..

Lets Bomb Iraq.mp3 - Funny as shit......check it out! Thx Shawk!

Gettin Sticky Wit it.mp3 - Funny as shit......check it out! Thx Shawk!

Go Down.mp3 - Funny as shit......check it out! Thx Shawk!

More Booty.mp3 - Funny as shit......check it out! Thx Shawk!

Looking For Some Tush.mp3 - Funny as shit......check it out! Thx Shawk!

Whip It Out.mp3 - Funny as shit......check it out! Thx Shawk!

Thats it for now....Here's where you, my stoney friend, come in....
If you have any cool stoney audio files (Mp3, Wav, etc.),
Send'em my way!
Thanks! - KingMage


Smoke Me!HOMESmoke Me!