Reasons to Love the BSB

Source: April Carter

Please email April if you would like to use this on a website or in a newsletter

*They're soulful guys who sing from the heart

*They have given young people a dream to latch on to

* They do charity work for kids, diseases, and natural disaster victims

* They are sooooooo hot!

* They never complain about all the work they have to do

* They are constantly thinking about their fans, and would never do something to disappoint them

* They're actually TALENTED, unlike SOME boy bands.... a few names come to mind...

* They have struggled to get to the top and deserve all recognition they receive!

* They are individuals, and don't let what other people say affect what they do. AJ now has 6 tattoos, but if it was up to the management--they wouldn't have any marks on any of the Boys

* Their concerts are the BEST!

* They all blend their harmonies together to create the most beautiful sound on Earth

* Kevin has INCREDIBLE eyes!

* AJ's idea of a perfect date is doing whatever the girl wants to do. How sweet is he?

* Nick is a video game fanatic---you can play with him all day!

* Howie is super sweet. That's why they call him Sweet D

*Brian and his HEAVEN SENT voice! (his voice is just INCREDIBLE)

* They've said that the fans reaction is the most rewarding thing

* AJ is a party animal who never runs out of batteries!

* Brian is ultra-close to his parents--he would do anything for them

* Their clothes ROCK

* Their songs ROCK!

* They keep religious values in their lives

* They're learning how to play instruments to intensify concerts.

* They love us as much as we love them!

* Nick and his blue eyes--need I say more?

* Howie and those HIGH HIGH notes he hits!! The Falsetto!!

* Kevin is the father-figure of the group and always makes sure the group is where they're supposed to be, and at the right time!

* Brian is best friends with Nick and says he's the younger brother he never had.

* They haven't let the success go to their heads yet. They are still VERY in touch with their families and friends back at home