Angela Lehman Tells All

BSB Personal Stylist and Make-Up Artist

    Brian and Nick are nuts before a show. They're always bouncing off the walls with energy. Sitting them down before a show, trying to get them away from the basketball hoop to get dressed and have their make-up and hair done is always the same--five more minutes, five more minutes! We usually wind up having to get our security to get them back to the dressing rooms--they are too much!

    A.J. Well, how many pairs of glasses can a guy wear? He has a different pair for every change of clothes, so I have sunglasses hanging off me everywhere. He can never keep his hair the same for more than a couple of days, if that. One day it's straight, then it's twisted. The next day he picks it out and wears an Afro. Then he wants it colored red with blond streaks running through it. Boy, this one keeps me busy!

    Every tour of the last show is always a time for the crew, band, and Boys to pull pranks on one another. Since Howie loves to show off his chest during the show, my assistant and I decided to safety pin all the buttons on his shirt so he couldn't pull it open. When he came backstage to change into his shirt and found out that he had to slip the shirt over his head, he was [frantic]. He wouldn't go onstage until we took out all the pins...Needless to say, he was late on his entrance!

    Well, that brings us to Kevin...who pretty much has it together.

Also be sure to check out:

Tim Berkebile Tells All (BSB Drummer)

Nicole Peltz Tells All (BSB Office Manager)


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