David Bowlin
DDP Price $4.99 USD
ebook 112 pages (June 2003)
*Paperback Coming Soon*
Publisher: Double Dragon Publishing
Coverart: Deron Douglas
ISBN: 1-55404-056-6

©2003 DDP Reviewer, Brutal Dreamer

Everyone dreams. Everyone has their own nightmares: witches chasing them through the forest, demons lurking in mirrors, paying off fatal debts, ghosts and evil spirits paying us a visit, even a meeting with the Angel of Death. In one form or other, our nightmares greet us as we close our eyes, while we are alone in the darkness. Our psyche primed for sinister meetings of the menacing creatures of the night. We are hurled into an intimidating surrounding with a fearful restlessness seeping in us when the nighttime approaches and the monsters lurk around every corner.

Inside these very dementias you will live David Bowlin's twenty-four REGURGITATED NIGHTMARES that will haunt you as you take the tour of lost souls. Within the stories, you hear eerie whispers, beckoning you to bravely join each nightmarish tale. Fearlessly, take the baneful author's hand, turn out the lights, and close your eyes.

One feeling you do not get with David Bowlin's horror writing, you do not get a punch in the gut; it's more like a subtle but deadly pinch in the heart.


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