Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

Hey everyone I know it's been nearly a year since the site has been updated. Sorry for such a delay but Real-Life has been busy and lack of Lauren news, pics, etc slows down updating. Bianca has sent me a new layout and ideas for the site so I'm working really hard trying to get everything done! So on to the Lauren/Site stuff!

Site Updates

I'm sure you've noticed the new layout/colors/and Photo. Bianca made the photo for this site so a HUGE thank you to her!

Site Cleaning

All of the pages have a new color and the main photo added plus other clean-ups here and there.

Photo Gallery

I've finally caught on and coverted to the use of Photo Albums I'm hopeing everyone likes the new set-up!

I'll be re-adding the rest of the galleries as time permits.

Authors Note

Please check out the Fan Art section I'd really like to get it going but it takes you the Fans to make it possible! If you wish to send in your Fan Art just e-mail me I'll always be taking submissions.

If you have any new Lauren information, photos, links, banners, etc please e-mail me at jordanblack83@yahoo.com I'll give you the credit. Thanks!