X-Files Guest Star Interview

by Amy Lang

Guest Star: Lauren Diewold

Appearances: Christmas Carol/Emily and All Souls [1997-1998 Season]

Lauren Diewold is a very talented actress. Amazing when you consider she is just turning 8 years old this week. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, she first made a guest star appearance in the Fifth Season two parter Christmas Carol/Emily, playing Scully's daughter, Emily.

She has also appeared in All Souls (again as Emily) and hopes to show up again in a future episode (since the X-Files is now filmed in California, this would ensure Lauren a trip to let's all keep our fingers crossed for her). Her career has not been limited to "The X-Files" as she has also guest starred in "Millennium" [an intense performance as a troubled girl in "Monster"] and appeared in a Disney TV movie, among other shows and commercials.

Lauren took a break from her summer vacation to answer a few questions for us.

Q. Did you laugh for when you saw David D. make his potato face?

A. I laughed for real the first time but for the retakes I did an actor's laugh.

Q. Weren't you scared when you filmed "All Souls"? Weren't the special effects creepy?

A. They weren't that creepy because I saw how they did them. When I went into heaven I ran into a big soccer light, it was really really bright. I got to see the devil snoozing against the wall waiting for his turn on set. And I got to touch and inspect the doll used for the burnt out eyed girls and I wanted to use it for outdoors to put in my sister's sleeping bag!

Q. Did you have fun playing a not-so-nice girl in Milennium? What was your favorite part about making that episode "Monster".

A. I liked craft service! (the food) and working with Lance Henrikson. He was really nice.

Q. What is your favourite food?

A. Lipton chicken noodle soup

Q. When you get older do you still want to act?

A. Yes because I like doing it.

Q. Which Spice Girl is your favourite?

A. I just got the CD today for my birthday (it's on Monday!) I like Posh and Scary and Sporty.

Q. Who is your best friend in the whole world? What is the funniest thing you did together?

A. My best friend is Rae-Jean and Kaitlyn. The funniest thing together is playing Twister.

Q. What is your favourite Movie?

A. Titantic - I've seen it 3 times and can hardly wait for the video.

Q. Who is the funniest/nicest person you met on the X-Files set?

A. Gillian Anderson and her daughter, I got to play with her daughter all the time.

Lauren Diewold is best known for her portraying Scully's daughter Emily. Lauren was seven when she acted as the 3 year old girl. Last Thanksgiving Lauren was also voted the favorite child actor in the series.

Lauren's mom says, "When The X-Files first started she was little and it wasn't a show that we let the kids watch. But once you know how the effects work, it really does take away from the impact of what you see. When Lauren watches TV now, she sees it in a way that is quite different from other kids. She'll say things like, 'Oh I know how they did that. The cameras are over here and they did this or that.' It really does take away from the impact of what you see.

Lauren also recalls how exciting it was to work with David and Gillian. Both stars are apparently good sports when it comes to signing autograhs for the young actors. "I came out to do playground duty at Lauren's school and all her friend's were gathered around her", Susan Diewold says. "She was in the process of cutting up 28 pieces of paper to go ask David and Gillian for their autographs. I told her I didn't think they were going to want to sign 28 little pieces of paper. So instead she went to Gillian and explained the situation. Gillian wrote, "To St. Mary's Grade Two Class", added a little blurb, and signed it. Then Lauren went to David when he was on the set and he did the same thing. Lauren Xeroxed it so all her friends got a copy.