International Brotherhood of Teamsters – Rail Conference

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

Elko Division 794

PO Box 5157

Elko, Nevada 89802



IBT - BLET – New Member – FAQ


Ψ      Can the BLET represent me?  Yes! As a BLET – Trainman you will be given professional representation by a BLET Trainman Representative should you be charged with a rules violation and need representation at a discipline hearing.  Also as a BLET Trainman you will be given several options should it be necessary to advance your time claim and discipline appeals to the General Committee level.  BLET Division resources will be fully utilized to defend your personal safety and economic well being.  Remember brothers and sisters’ choosing the BLET says that you are committed to being part of a movement within the rail industry which will ultimately Unite & Empower All of Rail Labor and stop the race to the bottom.  A powerful democratic union process is only made possible through the involvement and utilization of the union’s membership; the IBT-BLET makes that possible 


Ψ      As a newly hired trainman why should I belong to the BLET?  As a BLET Trainman you will be educated, informed and well-prepared for the many challenges which await you as newly hired operating craft employee.  There is an emerging trend nationwide where trainman are joining the BLET and one of the main reasons that consistently is given for choosing the BLET is that the memberships voice and involvement is encouraged and expected.  The BLET truly believes that the union member is its most valuable asset.  Being part of the new IBT Rail Division, which is 1.4 million members strong, ensures your voice will now be heard…You have much to gain by joining the BLET; invest in your future now!


Ψ      How much do I pay for BLET union Dues & what do i get for belonging?  As a newly hired trainman we realize every dollar is important to you and your family.  The dollar amount you will pay monthly for union dues and what you get for paying that amount has been a frequently asked question; for that reason we are providing you with a BLET Dues Assessment chart.  We also would like to take this opportunity to briefly educate you with an historical perspective regarding this issue; labor unions historically have assessed their members the equivalence of one days pay for their monthly dues.  Most of the meaningful worker benefits and protections in this country would not exist were it not for the efforts and struggle of organized labor.  The IBT mandates a well organized membership driven union process; one which will ultimately make rail labor strong.  The IBT lives by the doctrine; “Organize or Die!’’.


Ψ      Remember, it doesn't cost, IT PAYS, to be a Teamster!  Newly hired and veteran trainmen contemplating the BLET have asked, “Is there a down side to joining the IBT-BLET?  We in the BLET understand that newly hired trainmen find the, US verses THEM mindset amongst some in the operating crafts very confusing and disquieting.  They have heard those who choose to be stuck in the past say, “Why would you want to belong to a truckers union”?  The IBT is much more than just a “Trucker” union! The IBT Freight Division makes up less than 10% of the total IBT membership!  Competition between IBT trucks and railroads is virtually non-existent. In fact, these two modes of transportation work together efficiently! The IBT represents more than 1.4 million active members employed in a wide range of industries.  With the IBT-BLET there is strength in numbers!





BLET – 2004


Information regarding Dues Assessment of Division 794


               Engineers ………………………………………………………….$27.00

Trainmen ……………………...…………………………………. $12.00


        International Convention Fund …………………………………………….. $2.00

        National Legislative Board ……………………………………...................... $2.00

        P.A.C. (Political Action Committee) Optional ……………………………....$0.00

        Nevada State Legislative Board …………………………………………….$10.00

        Division Dues ……..………………………………………………………… $25.00


       General Committee of Adjustment  


Trainmen …………………………………………….................... $24.00




Trainmen ………………………………………………………..,.$75.00



Job Insurance is available through the B.R.C.F. or L.E. & C.M.P.A. It can be deducted from you payroll, or paid directly to the Insurance Carrier. Any of the Division Officers below and help you.




BLET – Division 794 Officers:


President                                       RD Black         775-753-6868


Local Chairman:                             MP Kessler      775-738-7892


Vice Local Chairman:                    PL McDaniels  801-444-9500


Secretary – Treasurer:                   PL McDaniels  801-444-9500


Legislative Representative:             PL McDaniels  801-444-9500




General Chairman – (UP) Western Region


Tim Donnigan

P.O. Box 609

Pocatello, ID 83204-0609 208-232-0292




Nevada State Legislative Board Chairman


TJ Carter

PO Box 51301

Sparks, NV 89435 775-626-6662


If you have any questions concerning your rights or working conditions, please call one of us.




GCA, SLB and Division dues amounts may vary; fit this document accordingly.  If you want to compare UTU & BLET trainman dues you can insert UTU trainmen dues below BLET trainman dues which are in red. 






The IBT is much more than just a “Trucker” union! The Freight Division makes up less than 10% of the total IBT membership!