
For some who know me know of my love of wolves. To me

they are without a doubt one of the most beautiful

creatures ever created. However, due to mans stupidity

and ignorance throughout history, these animals are

slowly being destroyed. For what? Because they live?

Oh no wait, it's because the fact is that man hates

competition! We hate the fact that the animals are free,

that they love one another unconditionally, they play,

fight, hunt, feed, live and die. But as humans, if we

want something we take it, no differently then animals.

You want to build a house in the woods? No problem,

we'll just take out a few dozen or so trees, you know

those big sticks that come up from the ground, provide

shade from the heat, clean the air that HUMANS pollute?

Animals live in those trees? Oh no problem, they'll

find a new home. Perhaps a wolf's den was on the site

as well. Oh, guess he'll find someplace new too. We kick them

out of their homes, we move in and then want to kill

the animals who come back to hunt on what was rightfully

theirs before some pompous asshole with loads of money

comes along to build over-priced condos on the lake front.

The killing must stop now!!!


Humans have a tendency

to kill things we don't understand. In the history

books when Christopher Columbus sailed to find

a New World, he found America right? Yeah Columbus

found America, you know it's that country where the

Indians lived in harmony with nature long before anyone else.

OK wait......

Columbus discovered a place where people were already living?

Yeah, that's right!

And what happened to

millions of those Indians that the white man didn't


Well we killed them!

Oh but don't worry, now many of them live out in the

middle of nowhere in overcrowded poverty stricken

villages known as the reservation. Nice of us to give them a place to stay on

what was THEIR land to begin with huh?


OK enough already, I guess I'll climb down off my soapbox, before I really

go off on a tear.

Look people it's simple.

Stop killing things simply because you

don't understand them. Everything on this planet has as much of a right as you

and I do to live here, so leave 'em alone!


Please help support the wolves and their right

for survival before it's too late.

Extinction is forever!

Click the NAWA link below and sign the petition to

save the wolves.

They can't speak for themselves.

~ Sebastian

