A Page Devoted to the Unicorn

Unicorns. Latin for "One Horned". Where did the unicorn myth come from? Was the entire legend, as scientists propose, based upon the rhinocorus of Africa? Could the poems and stories of a graceful pure white (and in some legends, black) creature resembling a horse in form really come from this ugly, warty creature? Personally, I don't think so. I believe that sometimes, society has a habit of underestimating the intelligence of it's predeccesors. Look at Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt, the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon - even today with all of our science and technology we cannot comprehend how these ancient peoples accomplished these great feats.

Truth be known, I wish they were real. But I suppose even if they were, they would not be as grand as the ancient stories make them out to be. Nothing in reality is as great as it can be in fantasy. But still if I heard tell of a shy creature with a golden horn prancing in some distant forest, I would run and run until I came across it. Why? Because the unicorn legend represents the innocence and purity of humanity. Over time this has come to be represented by 'virginity', but in essence it relates to purity of spirit, kindness of heart. Everyone knows only those with a kind soul can touch a unicorn; no desecrate hand may disturb her golden mane. Somehow that idea beckons to me, as if with such a creature I could test the innocence of my own heart. Heart, spirit, soul - all are related and judged in the gentle eyes of the unicorn hiding in her forest glade.

When the last eagle flys
Over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars
At the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest
Though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving, at the last unicorn
From "The Last Unicorn" by America (The song which should be playing now!)