Thief Commands

Thanks to Drad for help with some of these.

Thief Commands

access open the conatiner on another person
assess figure out who would make a good victim physically and covertly
backstab start a fight with a mighty backstab
bribe bribe npcs for information or to do something
case figure out who would make a good to steal from
conceal allows you to hide small items about your body that people may not see
disable disarm traps
disguise disguise yourself as a humanoid NPC
dodge dodge the attack of others, without attacking yourself
hide hide in the shadows from other people
lift lift an item off another person
palm pick things up so no one can see
picklock pick a lock
plant plant objects on people
probe what do those containers on people contain?
reputation find out the reputation of individuals
sign give the secret signal of the thieves guild
skulk break off from combat and hide (if there is more fighting than just yourself)
sleuth see what creatures have passed through a room lately (indoor)
slip slip items to other players without anyone seeing
snatch snatch a wielded item
sneak sneak around invisibly
spy see what's going on in the rooms around you
stash hide an item in a room from other people
steal steal something from a person
streetread read hidden messages left by acquirers
streetscribe write hidden messages for other acquirers
swield stealthily wield your weapons
tax tax an npc for money
trapscan scan an object for traps
unassess stop assessing someone