Cyloc is one of the most notorious thieves on New Moon. He has (according to him, I was unable to validate this info) stolen more quest weapons from players than any other thief in the history of New Moon. Quite a feat. Following is a list of some of his quest weapon steals, and the stories behind them. I take no responsibility for these incidents, and have no opinion of the moral correctness of these acts. Any opinions expressed herein are not to be associated with aralissia.

NOTICE: As of Sun Jan 28 14:14:11 2001, Cyloc is retired.

Having said that, on to:

Cyloc and his Legendary Quest Weapon Steals
written by cyloc and totally not edited by aralissia

These are some of the quest weapons I've stolen throughout my time in the thiefhood. I've made quite a reputation, though I never suspected when I first began that I'd become the greatest quest weapon thief of all time. I've made a lot of progress and carved quite a niche for myself. My success would have to be credited to my ability to pick apart my opponents and predict and counter every move they might make. Sounds crazy but believe me, in all my steals, I know that I am stealing from another human mind who is possibly going to make all kinds of attempts to get it back without paying for it. It is most definitely not just running up and stealing it as most people believe. I often have to hunt down or trick the person into letting their guard down. I take many precautions and never keep the weapon or item in my pack for very long before I stash it somewhere. In most cases the victim won't get anywhere near me and be forced to mail the money in a pouch via the post office.

I have a very destructive mind and I could make the ultimate super villain if I weren't trapped inside a petty thief. But I do a pretty good job as I am. Being a thief is a lot of fun, and I had some great teaching from a well known thief called ShadowHawk, and tremendous inspiration from Tricky and ShadowHawk. However, Cyloc could not work if it weren't for the role playing character I lucked into. (For those of you who don't know me that well, it's all role playing) Cyloc is unpredictable, deviously clever, charismatic and quick thinking. He makes a great escape artist and an intelligent trap layer.

Now I'll reveal some of my many quest weapon steals. I could only get the ones where I can put the weapon to the owner. I've stolen so many that I can't possibly remember them all. So before I give the owners, weapons and stories behind them, I'll show some of my statistics. The Known column represents the weapons I know I've stolen and I know most of their owners. The Unknown column represents the weapons I just carted from a shop to the bin or I've found and in either case I have no idea who the owner is.

Weapon Known Unknown
Mace of Ages 24 11
Stormsinger 21 06
Shozuku-Tachi 16 06
Rune Staff 10 02
Serrated BS 03 00
Silver Forged GS 03 01

Tobin-Shozuku-Tachi-200 Plats

This was my very first quest weapon. Tobin was my first wife who turned out to be more than meets the eye if you know what I mean. She (He?) asked me to marry her and me being a newbie, agreed. So I married her, probably the dumbest thing I've ever done. When I found out through my sources who she really was, I was out. I divorced her and spent several days spitting up and hacking in the bathroom. Fortunately, I had just heard stories about Tricky and ShadowHawk stealing quest weapons, collecting the ransom, and burying it in the desert and telling the victim, "You have ten minutes to collect your weapon before the shutdown." I said to myself, "Someday, that's gonna be me." I've never buried the weapon in the desert but I've done my fair share of horrid things to people. A quest weapon thief was born, and the rest is history.
Status-Successful Ransom

Sam-Mace of Ages-300 Plats-Stormsinger-150 Plats

This was a strange one. I stole Sam's Mace of Ages thinking I was moving onto bigger things. But other than the usual whining, Sam made no attempt to even try to make the money. All he did was moan about it and get Emily to try to talk sense into me but only ended up trying to give me a morality statement, "You're a mean person!" however, 300 plats appeared at the post office with a note saying it was for Sam's Mace and it was from an anonymous person. Well, it made no difference to me so I returned it. I got a lot of respect from Sam until he managed to pass me in levels, not hard if you aren't a thief, and then he just started bashing me over and over. So I stole his Stormsinger. I ransomed it for the money, got paid and I thought that was it. But nope, Sam felt he was better than me now that he had passed me in levels. So while I was idling in ck, which I often do, he brought in a warrior, a destroyer, and other ps people in an attempt to absolve me, so I was stonegrabbed, blinded and pretty much all kinds of sect and destroyer spells were cast on me. I was crippled, stolen from, and almost left for dead because some idiot healer kept handing me a serpent staff. But fortunately for me, ShadowHawk had just started the clan called the NightHawks. Bringing Marius and I in first as the head of the inner council under his leadership. Marius and I had been previously enemies until Shad brought us together and we gained respect for each other. The NightHawks came into being with a bang that rattled new moon. I managed to squeeze in a tell to Marius telling him what was happening. In comes Marius and bam, spits out 3 consecutive power word kills putting Sam, and his fellow destroyer out for the count. All those spells and the cripple chose the perfect time to wear off and I was able to grab Sam's Stormsinger, Karmen's Mace of Ages and Boris's Mace of Ages. The healers who were absolving me were Xenon, HolyMoly and Boris. Since HolyMoly and Xenon had no quest weapons, I made up for it by stealing all their grails. Sam himself made several more attempts at me, even at my life but was shot down time and again by the pkers of the NightHawks. He soon retired.
Status-Mace of Ages-Successful Ransom, Stormsinger-Successful Ransom, Destroyed after event

Karmen-Mace of Ages twice-300 plats-none

This guy was one of the people that was crippling me that night at center kelish, I had taken his mace before but I gave it back since I didn't have any room for it to store. But I found room after and he has been crippling me on sight, when he can see me, since then. But the new recruit, Balinor, to the NightHawks made a human, spear of darkness, pin cushion out of this guy and was warned over and over not to kill him again. I was there for most of them and watched him die, or log off before he got killed. Balinor killed this guy many times, but he logged off in combat so much that Balinor got away with it. Now Karmen's second Mace of Ages, sometime later, was stolen by ShadowHawk and sent to me, I still have it but more as a Trophy than a means of ransom.
Status-Destroyed, 2nd time- Idle in storage

Nebb-Stormsinger-200 Plats

This guy was a member of the Midnight Blades, a group of newbies who thought they were something but were actually some sauce. They may have actually turned out one good character, Swifty. Well, this was the first anti-Cyloc clan that hated me so much because I stole from all it's members numerous times. Nebb was a happy-go-lucky thief who never saw a Street Lighter he didn't rob. So I stole his stormsinger just because he was a midnight blade. I put it away, it's now one of my trophies. But the fun didn't start till he got one of his friends to summon me. He drank some agility potions, but didn't steal anything. He did try to snatch a thunder ax from me that I had just stolen from Ivan. It was burdening me, I didn't want it, so I gave it to him, hindering his stealing skills, and blamed the steal to Ivan on Nebb. I got away with it too. I also stole a bunch of plats from Nebb, some green candles, and "AfterShock" the serrated dagger which I currently use as a weapon.
Status-Idling in Storage


I snatched this from her just for practice. It also gave me practice in my mage escaping skills as I had to run from summon-proof room to summon-proof room as soon as she found out where I was from scrying. Then midway between summon-proof rooms I got summoned to her mage room, where she proceeded to cast spells on me. I managed to get out before she did, but it was on of the biggest waste of opportunity's I've ever had as I was in her mage room. I could still be kicking myself today for the waste if I hadn't had such a big crush on her. I never acted on it, I'd be an idiot to do so. But nonetheless I did and it prevented me from trying to steal anything.
Status-Returned to Owner

Kai-Shozuku-Tachi-200 Plats

This might claim the title for biggest waste of time steal because as a result she cast stone grab on me a million times, literally. As one wore off the next one came on. I don't think that stone grab should be stackable like that. But a friendly neighborhood cre came and freed me up since the hands didn't seem to show up.

Mitch-Stormsinger-none, Mace of Ages-none

Mitch had all of the worst ideas for the thieves guild. I'd been told over and over again that she was a connection to the cres and that anything I said to her could, and would be used against me. So I shut my mouth and stole her Stormsinger. I had help from a mage who darkened the dragon head and provided the summons while I got "juiced". It proved to be a waste of material to get "juiced" as she wasn't even wielding it. The mage told me, over and over again, to shut up and don't say a thing or you'll get nailed for it. So I didn't even try to ransom it.
Status-Idling in storage, Mace was given back

Felip-Stormsinger-200 Plats, Mace of Ages-200 Plats

This guy was just begging to be stolen from. He was walking around wielding his weapons and unwielding them, I couldn't help myself. I stole both the Mace of Ages and Stormsinger at the same time. Since I wasn't able to handle both, I planned with DigDug, I would give the Stormsinger back, Diggy would steal it. Simple as that. I don't know what DigDug did with the Stormsinger, but the Mace of Ages is still with me.
Status-Awaiting Payment of Ransom

Chron-Mace of Ages-100 Plats

This guy had been waving his mace in my face for a long time. It came with great pleasure that he died at ck and someone looted his corpse and handed me the Mace of Ages. I was also given a green candle or two and a peddlers pack. This guy paid the ransom, the only non-pser ever to pay the ransom for his weapon back. But he went nuts when he realized it was only for the mace of ages. I tried to explain that since he was a newbie warrior I only charged him 100 plats. For those of you who know me that is the lowest I go, especially for a Mace of Ages. He would not listen. Oh well, not my problem he didn't know.
Status-Successful Ransom

Hendel-Stormsinger-200 Plats

It took me a bunch of cripples and failed snatches to get this one. Eventually I got it and put it away. Something happened though and I lost it to a bug in the Blind Dragon. I was unable to collect the ransom for this since I didn't have it. I felt bad too. Really, because this was his last quest weapon, he'd lost all the rest (meaning I couldn't get to them) and his other character, Balinor, became a member of the NightHawks.

Darkest-Serrated Broadsword-500 Plats and one head on a stake

This was a big ransom, one of my biggest because I had a big price to pay for it. I was stalking Darkest who was following Kveldulf around. As soon as I stalked her though, I went net-dead. Of course they went into the Chaos Tower and when I reconnected, I had nowhere to go and died. Fortunately, a friendly healer was nearby and raised me and hogged me so I could go in and collect my things. I got my stuff but found they had my head. He put it on a stake, Kveldulf. It was decayed beyond recognition but I still needed to get it back. Now Darkest was exposed to the horrible role playing skills of Kveldulf and Muerte and didn't know any better. If you were a musician, it would be like someone coming in scratching a fork on a chalkboard and thinking they were good. So Darkest was too simple-minded for me to convince her to give my head back. So I had to steal her Serrated Broadsword. This time I didn't go net-dead and got away with it. She still wouldn't get my head since Kveldulf wouldn't give it to her. Nor would he pay, since he had paid Midhir's ransom the week earlier. So, I, not caring how she got it just so long as she did, managed to convince her to appeal to Kveldulf out of character, she was getting desperate. I may have inadvertently set up a life long relationship here as Kveldulf would only give it to her if he could meet her. They apparently hit it off.
Status-Successful Ransom

Archaon-Mace of Ages twice-200 Plats

There isn't really much to tell about this one. But he did have the nerve to get another one. I believe you can get a new mace of ages anytime you want but you have to wait a year or at least 8 months to get it charged. Anyway, I stole that one too so he refreshed.
Status-First one destroyed second sold to some idiot with money

Slayer-Silver Forged Greatsword-none

I snatched this by accident because I didn't know that this guy's other character was a friend of mine and in the clan I created. I gave it back but when I found it one day I gave it away to Goodnight. She was one of Kiyre's characters and if you don't know already (and hopefully she never will) I had a big crush on Kiyre. She was having a big feud with Slayer.
Status-Given away


I just found this lying on the ground. So I picked it up and planted it on the first person I saw. I didn't even know it belonged to Hungrytroll till I heard several people say so on chat. Another missed opportunity, but I can't have em all.
Status-Given away

Neptune-Mace of Ages-300 Plats

This guy was a newbie in a high level characters body. He had friends though. It was only my second quest steal ever and I made a lot of enemies. Including Gaea as if I really cared. She just hates me for no reason if not that. But we all know I'm not a crowd pleaser and I had to hang onto this one for a long time while a I had a whole bunch of people furious at me. When the smoke cleared some warrior paid me the ransom and I sent it back. Wasn't long before he retired though.
Status-Successful Ransom

HannaH-Mace Of Ages-300 Plats

This was a guy masquerading as a girl. He had mouthed off to me about my finger info and then ignored me when I tried to reply and explain myself. Needless to say I did not like him. It was sometime later before I managed to grab his Mace of Ages, which he was lowering to cripple me. But I got away unscathed and one Mace of Ages richer. He didn't pay the ransom, but I still have it today as one of my trophies.
Status-Idling in storage

MrDeathII-Serrated Broadsword-250 Plats

This was sent to me by ShadowHawk so we could split the ransom since he doesn't dirty his hands ransoming quest weapons even though he stole it. He was getting into character as the leader of the NightHawks and he needed to be seen with class. I just wanted the money so I ransomed it. There was no way this guy was paying so I got rid of it. I still had to make up the pay to Shad but at least I got my hands on it for awhile.

Tarok-Shozuku-Tachi, Mace of Ages-don't remember

Beats the hell out of me, I've no memory at all of this guy, I do know I had his weapons because I wrote it down. He retired so I threw them out. What a waste.

Antilles-Rune Staff-none

I stumbled across this unfortunate pser while I was walking through the warehouse district in Tsan. The guy was casting spells and fighting and was wide open for stealing. So I grabbed his Rune Staff and fled. I don't usually ransom these quest weapons. What I do is take them to ck and break them over my knee. I like to think of this as my relief for having to ransom all the other quest weapons. I don't think he knows to date I stole it. If he's reading this, he does now.

Socrates-Rune Staff-none

This was actually a pretty embarrassing moment for me. As soon as I stole this guy's staff in the merchant district in Tsan, I broke it. and died. He looted my corpse of my valuables. Luckily this dude was not the brightest star in the sky and told me where to get raised but did not move from his spot. I stole everything back and a few more of his stuff too. I lost a life but all in all I gained enough from him to get it back and more. I took a bunch from him and he knew it. All he did was repeatedly scry me though.

Marius-Rune Staff-none

Marius was a medium level mage at the time I robbed him. I got his Rune Staff and broke it in front of his face. I like this because I consider this an insult to mages but mostly because it looks cool. Everybody on at the time hears the explosion these make when they are snapped. He decided to get back at me by summoning me to a dark fissure or the desert. It was only a minor annoyance but I really felt the impact when he prevented me from getting to my corpse when he summoned me to the desert and I had nothing on. The desert is really overrated for punishing people because if you are fast you can dodge all the auto attacking monsters and get to the portal. However, there was a crash. I didn't make it in time and lost my whole corpse. But this proved to be a plus as Marius wasn't finished yet and got Theory and BlackFlag into a room to get to me. He summoned me and cast all his spells like disjunction while Blackflag crippled and blocked the exit and Theory cast fumble and his Draconian Spells. I had the laugh though when all they found on my were two empty component pouches, a jewelled dagger, a magnificent golden sword, which was now totally worthless since it was changed, leather breeches and a set of shadow boots. I didn't even have a copper in my purse. So eventually they got bored when they realized I was idling.

Kairn-Rune Staff-none

This was a very funny story at the time. Kairn was some guy who'd gone guildless for a long time and built up his levels by teaching from other players. He had grown fond of Zarah, some thief I had help join the thieves guild when she was a newbie. Eventually he joined the Academy. Not long before he prospered into an okay mage. Of course, me being the asshole I am, stole his rune staff for no reason. I didn't break it and I was disguised but he figured it was me. He began to summon me to the same Dark Fissure that Marius did, but he did it twice as much. So I took his staff and broke it right in front of his face which must have hurt him so bad because he was pretty clear in screaming at me he wanted his Staff back. He continued to summon me to that place. It was getting kind of ridiculous until my good buddy Aero told me he was dead in the lich's cave. I figured I could get in a good rib shot at this guy so I went in and looted his corpse and took his head. Right under his nose while he watched helplessly. He didn't bother me from then until his retirement a week later.

Milenko-Rune Staff-none

I don't remember much about this guy except he kept summoning me to the dark sect. I don't know why, since I clearly knew my way around the place. But I guess he figured summoning me anywhere was good. All because I broke his staff.

Boris-Mace of Ages-300 Plats

This is one of the healers trying to absolve me at that night with Sam at ck. This was also some guy who didn't know about the ps rule because he kept giving me a serpent staff. He stopped well short of me dying but probably because it was taking a long time. I stole his Mace of Ages and he wasn't going to pay so I destroyed it.

Brokk-Rune Staff-100 Plats

This was a guy I found in Leviatha. I took his Rune Staff and made the ransom 100 plats. During a killing with NightFall of the unlucky Tobin who had gone pk I stumbled upon his post in the Sect Tower. It said that all mages should ignore me when I ask for summons or favors because I took his rune staff. Needless to say, I snapped it in half, but it was kind of amusing that this guy would post something like that. I boggled the minds of him and his sect friends by my replying. I usually walk everywhere anyway.

Shatai-Stormsinger-200 Plats, Shozuku-Tachi-none

This guy was a pretty funny story which I believe is posted on the Helio Inn board. I robbed his Stormsinger, ransomed it, he paid. No big whoop there. Also, Malius and NightFall were paralyzing him so I could steal off him some more when I got his Shozuku-Tachi. But the funny story is when NightFall and I were looking for something to do. After a couple robberies, a couple burglaries and a couple pk's, NightFall and I went back to his wardrobe in his mage room to store our collections. After storing everything I walked out to discover that Shatai had recently been inside his room and the door was open. Of course, I couldn't go in it. But that doesn't mean I don't try. NightFall came out too and he said he was pretty tired. He was willing though. I gave him two options. We could summon him here and wait to see what his reaction was, if he would flee or go into his room. He said it wouldn't work. So I offered that we trick him with words. NightFall was feeling pretty skeptical about the whole thing. He went net-dead and he didn't reconnect. I was left on my own. But I had the help of a mage named Hellion who scryed and told me where he was. Well, my criminal mind went to work immediately. So I said on chat, "I hope this 'shataidoor' isn't going to miss the stuff I'm taking from his mage room." Well, it worked. He came went inside his room. But I missed him. I missed him. I had to think quick. "I put most of the stuff back." I was sure this opportunity had passed me by and I would be kicking myself again. But luck was with me as it usually is and Shatai wanted to know, "I would like to know how you got into my mage room since there is a shocking wall in the way to the hallway and into the room." I said, "Simple, I'll show you." So he ports in and this time I'm quick enough. I stalk him. I begin to open my containers, look in them and close them. "Well, I have this key, it's around here somewhere." and when I went through all my stuff I said, "Damn, I must have left it in there." He walks inside with me right on his tail. "And Bingo, you fell for it" I then put my burglarizing skills to work and looted his room. He stood there and watched, occasionally trying to close his wardrobe to stop me, but otherwise not doing much. I was then summoned out of there and gave most of my findings to Hellion including a Staff of Kilfir, and my other takings to other mages. I didn't get much out of it, but it was still pretty funny.
Status-Successful Ransom, Returned to owner

Mina-Mace of Ages-none

I'd stolen this once before, but I gave it back because I didn't feel like ransoming it. But much much later I did so I stole it again. The funny thing is, she didn't even seem to notice. I snatched it, she clearly saw me, she wasn't idling. Beats me, but she didn't ask for or say anything. Or seem to notice. So I just keep it as a trophy now.
Status-Idling in storage

Aalos-Stormsinger twice-300 Plats

This is another guy that Balinor had killed repeatedly but had logged off during combat many times. I promised Balinor I would get him so I found him one day on Diamond Street. I was disguised but I must have blown my cover some how. He lowered his Stormsinger named Absinthe or something like that and crippled my skull. The moron crippled my skull and not my fingers. But that was okay because a split second after that I got his stormsinger, using every last drop of gp but still managing to get it on the first try. He didn't respond to any of my tells or mails demanding ransom. So I got rid of it. However I encountered him awhile after that, a long while, running around just outside the forest. I missed several chances at his sword and he tried to cripple me several times but finding only air. We played cat and mouse for awhile alternating roles until we ran smack into each other, unable to run or hide he attempted a cripple, missed and I grabbed his Stormsinger with the name Captain Morgan (Hey, I just steal them) He also refused to pay but this time told me so so I didn't have to wonder.
Status-Destroyed, Idling in storage

Kalissan-Rune Staff-none yet

This is one of Sam's newer characters. Doesn't bother me anymore, he has a whole new respect now. But I took his rune staff before I knew it was him. It would be un-Cyloc like to give it back. However I have not yet broken it. I may be able to get a load of money from the Shadow Alliance, a bunch of medium level evil characters. So if there is a chance I may get some money I'll take it.
Status-Idling in Storage

Sils-Mace of Ages-300 Plats

For the record, I did not know this was Kiyre's newest character. I had thought that she was gone for good, retired. So I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse. She was still here, but I also stole her Mace of Ages. I couldn't give it back. Fortunately she got a new one. So I agreed not to steal that one from her. The one I had I put in the rubbish bin.

Kenshin-Stormsinger-300 Plats

I'd had my eye on this guy for a long time. He was carrying that Stormsinger around for awhile and I wanted it. I had to bide my time and bite my fingernails but eventually I got my chance when I managed to track him down (note that when I track someone I do NOT use mages but my own 5 senses) in the forest. He noticed me attempt to snatch it but failed as he was wielding it. When they are wielding it, instead of juicing myself I just fail the snatch on purpose to get them to lower it to try and cripple me. I rarely use this method, only with warriors who have cripple because it becomes obvious that's my intention.
Status-Successful Ransom


I snatched this from this guy right before he logged off. He never did log back on.

Gwydion-Rune Staff-none

I really didn't want to steal this. I didn't need it, and I hate to be the one to put a damsel in distress. But it's too late now.
Status-Idling in storage

Aentic-Mace of Ages-none

I didn't realize this guy was also Dream, even though Dream was the one stonegrabbing me and blinding me at that night at ck with Sam he did manage to get back in my good favor, how I forget, but he did and he was in the NightHawks so I gave it back out of the goodness of my heart.
Status-Returned to owner

Viking-Silver Forged Greatsword-250 Plats

This got me in trouble with cres. I don't really know why. But they seemed to be upset with my stealing quest weapons. He might have complained. But I did lift all his money and steal his sword. I returned it for the ransom money and a favor of a cripple to another character who was bothering me.
Status-Successful Ransom

Elwy-Silver Forged Greatsword-none

I snatched this one while it was wielded while she was fighting. I made a big charade out of getting it back for her from an evil thief but I lied through my teeth. I got a bunch of kisses and hugs but other than that is was a waste of time. If you like gossip, I heard Elwy's a slut.
Status-Returned to Owner

Kranjor-Mace of Ages-1000 Plats

I snatched this after he summoned and silenced ShadowHawk. I only charged 1000 Plats because I didn't want him to pay it before I could give it to Shad for his own ransom and revenge. However shad said to ignore it since we could use Kranjor as an ally rather than make him an enemy. He's the boss.
Status-Returned to Owner

Nobu-Rune Staff-100 Plats

This was pretty funny. I don't know what Nobu was smokin but he came right up to me and gave me his rune staff and asked how much the ransom was. I thought he was just trying to get rid of 100 plats since agreed to it. Un willing to let this guy confuse me, I said, "Oh you didn't know? I don't ransom rune staves." And I broke it over my knee. I got all of New Moon riled up about the explosion that everybody heard all over. Nobu tried to act cool but I knew he was startled by what happened. He did not expect that at all.
Status- Destroyed

MeHealYou-Mace of Ages-250 Plats

I don't know who the hell this guy is but the Mace was giving to me by DigDug to ransom. I haven't spoken with MeHealYou but I have talked with some of his friends who are trying to scrape together the ransom. I am considering raising the ransom just because I don't like his name.
Status-Awaiting Payment of Ransom

Malius-Shozuku-Tachi-100 Plats

I a lot of people have thought that I've bitten off more than I can chew with this steal. Most people I've talked to say, "I'm sorry" or "Ouch" but directed at me like everything bad has happened to me. I realize this is one bad ass pker who kills his friends for the hell of it. I may honestly say it's a pleasure to work with such a great role player (at least I hope that's what he's doing) But don't count Cyloc out just yet. I've never pissed someone off enough that they go on a killing rampage. This is going to be a big war involving a lot of people besides Malius and the NightHawks. A lot of Malius wannabes are going to rise up and try killing too. By stealing from Malius I have single-handedly sparked great conflict that will result in a lot of innocent lives lost and feelings hurt. As much as I'd hate to have those lives on my hands, it's too late now. Malius has started killing people already. The only ones that aren't shaking their heads in pity at me are most of the NightHawks and my wife, Aralissia. Despite Malius threatening to kill all the NightHawks most have remained faithful and even scoff at suggestions they take the name out of their suffix. ShadowHawk has built a tremendous power in the game and the people in it are proud to be a part of it. This might have actually been a good thing. It has brought the NightHawks closer together and filtered out the people who run at the first obstacle. People have died and many more will lose their lives, it will affect everyone and that means you, but it's through the hard times that most will learn who their true friends are.

In Conclusion:

These are some of my accomplishments as a thief on new moon. I've made quite an impact and established myself very firmly. Love me or hate me, you have to admit, what I've done is pretty impressive. For those of you who haven't had the experience of feeling my influence, you will eventually. For those of you who are mentioned above, there is no shame in getting robbed by Cyloc. Just remember, it's nothing personal.

Cyloc-too hot to handle too cold to hold