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These are general comments on the Amish school system.  How schools operate may vary slightly depending on the state or sect.

redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Cooperation, not competition is the main spirit of plain schools
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) The school years usually starts around September 1 and ends May 1.  There is school on Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. so they are done quicker to help on the farm.
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) The school day usually runs from 9 AM to 3 PM
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Students are called scholars
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Scholars and the teacher either walk or take a horse & buggy to school
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Scholars begin school at age 6 and attend through the 8th grade at around age 14
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) All scholars bring their own lunch
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Grades 1 through 8 are in the same room
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Scholars usually do not receive homework because of the chores they have to do at home
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Older scholars help younger scholars learn
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Basic subjects are stressed:  reading, writing, spelling, english, arithmetric - the old fashion method.  Other subjects taught are geography, history, penmanship, health, german writing/reading, and singing.
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Each school has between 25 to 35 scholars
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Scholars and the teacher keep the school clean

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redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Amish men take care of the heavy upkeep of the school
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Amish schools accept no local or government funds to support their schools even though the Amish pay the same taxes as the English.   The community supports the school
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Teachers are usually unmarried and only a couple years older than her/his 8th grade pupils.  They usually have no education beyond the 8th grade
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Teachers salary varies but is usually around $25 a day
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Parents visit the school unannounced
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) The Amish all male school board meets once a month and has 3 to 5 members
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Drinking water is hand pumped
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Lanterns provide light except for the Old Order Mennonites which use electricity
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Outhouses serve as toilets
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Supplies, such as blackboards, needed for the school are purchased from schools that are being torn down
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Religion is not taught in the school but a Christian example is expected
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) In 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Amish right to religious liberty in the school
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) The price of a one room school in the late 1980's was approximately $18,000 plus lots of donated labor.  The price covered building, outhouses, shelves, and blackboards.  Usual size is 34' x 30' or a total of 1,000 sq. feet.  Land is usually donated by an Amish owner.
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) In 1989 in Lancaster County, there were 4,650 scholars in 156 schools.  103 of those schools were Old Order Amish.  53 schools were Old Order Mennonite.
redapple.gif (1174 bytes) Late 1980's costs in Lancaster County of Amish versus public schools. Annual per pupil cost of instruction:  Amish  $200  Public  $3,445
Sq ft construction of new school: Amish $18 Public $95

Train a child in the way he should go, and
when he is old he will not turn from it. 

Proverbs 22:6

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Source:  Plain Schools - Pathway Publishing
              Various websites
               Amish One-Room Schools:  Lessons for the Plain Life - Lancaster New Era.
                        Reprints are available for a cost.  717-291-8701



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