Stephane Grappelli

Stephane Grappelli

    Stephane Grappelli was born on January 26, 1908 in Paris, has died on December 1 1997 there.

   One of the greatest jazz violinists Stephane Grappelli by the unknown creative longevity and is fixed, during all career by the game, calling delight, has made much to ratify a violin as the jazz tool.
   Originally самоучка both as the violinist, and as the pianist, then, in 1924-28 he studied in the Parisian Conservatory. Grappelli played at cinemas and dancing orchestras before meeting with the guitar player Django Reinhardt in 1933. The chief "Hot Club" Pierre Nourry has offered them idea of a string orchestra. So was born "The Quintet of the Hot Club of France" , made from a violin three audio guitars and bass, which fast has got international popularity due to magnificent series of recordings Ultraphone, Decca и HMV.
   НThe beginning of war in 1939 has resulted in disintegration квинтета. Grappelli has remained in London, where they in that time played, and Reinhardt has returned to France.

The violinist soon was united with the young pianist George Shearing in new бэнде, in which worked all war.
    In 1946 Grappelli and Reinhardt have undertaken first of several attempts of association, though they never any more did not work together constantly, despite of numerous recordings. Grappelli appeared in 50-60-х in set of clubs on all Europe, but remained is poorly known in USA, yet did not begin regularly to travel on light in the beginning 70-s'. Active almost up to the end, Grappelli remained at height even when to him was 89.

Recordings The Quintet of the Hot Club of France:

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