You know you're obsessed with  when...

These are by Caiatara and me.

1.    You paint yourself to resemble you're favorite cat.

2.    When requred to write a folktale unit in English, you write a fanfic.
3.    you always use vairables C, A, T, and S; never W, X, Y, or Z.
4.    you confuse your teachers by writing parts of CATS songs on your homework.
5.    When filling out an aplication form you say the following:

Name:    (name of favorite cat)
Address:    The Junkyard
Height:    Rather small
Weight:    Rolly Polly
Eye color:    Bright black
Hair color:    Black and White

6.    you understood that last one
7.    you have the vanity plate TSE1, NAP2, ILVTSE, or ILVCTS
8.    you have a pin that says "Kiss me, I'm feline"
9.    you have a CATS toothbrush, soap dish, shower cap, pillow, curtians, sleeping bag,  sheets, etc..
10.    when you're pulled over for speeding and the officer askes you for your licence, you give him your collar.
11.    He takes one look at you and says, "Oh great....another one."
12.    He askes you where you got the whiskers
13.    you're studing England and all you can tell the teacher is about CATS
14.    after you go to England for the summer, your teacher askes you again...and you still can't tell her about anything exept CATS.
