The Mask of Zorro

The Mask of Zorro
The Mask of Zorro

I love the movie, and I love the soundtrack! It has some really powerful music, most of it spanish. It almost makes me want to start dancing. And I don't like to dance.

I love soundtracks, and this one, by James Horner is another great one.

-John Lavoie

Where can I get it?

1. The Plaza of Execution (8'28)
2. Elena and Esperanza (8'20)
3. The Ride (3'25)
4. Elena's Truth (4'11)
5. The Fencing Lesson (5'29)
6. Tornado in the Barracks (5'12)
7. The Confession (3'43)
8. Zorro's Theme (3'01)
9. The Mine Montero's Vision (3'00)
10. Stealing the Map (6'30)
11. Diego's Goodbye (5'31)
12. I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You (4'41)