T.T. Piktures Brother Wendy
T.T. Piktures Brother Wendy

This film was another assigned project but it turned out to be a great film. Full information is on this page.

Brother Wendy

Brother Wendy
T.T. Piktures 1997

Tristan Burns: Brother Wendy
Eddie Rich: Camera
Brian Gillis: Brother Brian

Maybe you have been unlucky enough to have been forced to watch Sister Wendy's review of art on PBS. Well I was forced to watch and then I was assigned a movie project for that class. I couldn't help the urge create Brother Wendy.
Sister Wendy's most prominate feature (other than being a short nun) is her huge buck teeth that slur her speech. So we went to our favorite store (Where'd You Get That?!? Spring st. Williamstown MA) and bought a pair of buck teeth. I had to wear these in the movie and let me tell you, plastic buck teeth hurt your gums. I had several problems on camera, they were kept and made into an outake piece at the end to the film. This may appear on the Colonel Stupendous Compilation. Not only does this movie contain buck toothed transgender nuns it is also very educational

For questions or comments on Brother Wendy or any other T.T. Piktures Production please visit the T.T. Piktures Feedback Page. You can go there from the big link on this page.

Tristan Burns

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