Gardening Page

General Resources
Garden Web The Internet's garden community
Virtual Garden Features Time Life Plant Encyclopedia, How-To Resources, and Regional Gardening Information.
Backyard Gardener Information on various types of gardens, a plant finder index and more.
The Garden Gate Gardener's Reading Room, Mailing Lists and more.
Gardening Suite 101 Comprehensive list of gardening articles on a variety of topics.
Factsheet Database The Ohio State University Department of Horticulture and Crop Science.
Bulbs Perennials & Bulbs
Roses & Heirloom Gardening
Joel's garden Beautiful photographs of many different types of roses.
Vintage Gardens Antique and extraordinary roses.
Wayside Gardens Gardening links page, featuring public gardens online, gardening magazine and gardening information on the internet.
Yesterday's Rose A tribute to old & old-fashioned garden roses.
Enchanted Gardens of the Renaissance Information for anyone interested in the gardens of the Renaissance.
H2OTHOUSE.COM Victorian conservatory plans and links
The Perfect Rose Webring Over 140 web sites devoted to roses.

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