I enjoyed reading Signs and look forward to receiving it on a regular basis . I hope that, you continue to publish positive articles about the Quran, more than negative anti hadith. I find Hadith boring, foolish and not worth talking about.

Lu'lu Makoon ,
Edmonds, WA. USA.

Whilst in the States I read a copy of Signs magazine. Could you please inform me as to how I can subscribe.
I found the contents of your publication very refreshing and very near to my own beliefs. Do you organise any Quran studies, lecture etc. that my husband and myself could attend? We converted to Islam three and a half years ago. Unfortunately the purity of Islam has been hidden under piles of fabricated rubbish by religious 'leaders' and 'scholars'. Your publication is one of the few that I have read that makes sense ! ! When one finds someone that makes sense, God informs us in the Quran that we must verify things for ourself, hear all the words then take from them the best.

Mrs. L.C. Moore,
Somerset, England.

With reference to 'Why, were we created?' in the last issue of signs, should this not be rephrased ' Why  were we not created? '
And also the statement ' In the beginning there was God' does this mean to say that before the beginning there was no God?
There are many such statements throughout the article but without reference to the source of information. To me this seem just another 'hadith'.
Aziz Kassim, Singapore.
Editor: Some of the report is obviously conclusions drawn by the writer and are not meant to be statements of fact. As for as personal opinions, we can disagree with them, just as you have done.

Peace of the One to you. Thank you very much for sending the Signs magazine.

Erik V. Tornvall,
Freibourg, Switzerland.


Signs magazine presenting a Quranic perspective for discussion and debate. We would like to hear from you. If you have any news, views or questions please write to us. Signs Magazine Strathyre House P.O. Box 164 Glasgow G3 6LR. (U.K.) Fax No: +44 (0) 141-331 2861 or Can e-mail us at SignsEditor@netscape.net