A Maulvi Writes...... 
                                     Heart to Heart Special

AssalamoAlaykum. Wahrehmatullahe Wabarakatu.

Last week, my family separated from me. They told me I was a nightmare to stay with. What cheek. I haven't even done anything. They'll regret it, just wait. When
the harsh real world catches up on them, they'll appreciate my comfort, security and love. It's just a matter of time before they let me back in the house.

Anyway, now I'm living on the streets, even the ungrateful mosque people don't want to know me, I don't think that me making no distinction between my bank account and the mosque funds had anything to do with it.

After all, they didn't earn all that money. They just stand with a bag after prayers and expect people to fill it up with money. They're just beggars, petty beggars is all they are. I have started up in business, yes I'm a franchise operator, I sell a magazine called 'The Big Issue' . I am making a lot of money, fellow franchise operators tell me it's because of my beard.

It's good people respect a religious man. Yes, now I'm a businessman, my family will want me back. There's no way of me doing that, so I'm thinking of marrying again. Yes, if any single young woman is very seriously interested (no chancers, or women above 21) please write to the me . Yes , I want to hear from you all. So please send me your photos which will be much appreciated.