Who is Responsible For Disasters?  
  God has given us one of our most precious assets: Freedom of Choice.

The killing in Dunblane was truly a horrific event shattering the lives not only of those who died in the tragedy but also of their family and friends. In times like these communities come together to remember God: some for consolation and others with cynical disdain. One radio commentator said that God cannot be all powerful if He can allow this to happen. Hurling abusive accusations at God when atrocities like this occur is only a reflection of the unappreciative human nature. For most of the time people don't have regard for God or His laws and blaming Him is just trying evade our own responsibilities.

God has given us one of our most precious assets: Freedom of Choice. Had we chosen to abide by God's values then the afflictions that occur in our lives would never transpire.

To put Dunblane into perspective we know the children did not choose to die but we have to face the harsh truth that our choices created circumstances which led to their death. Even knowing his character, someone chose to allow Thomas Hamilton to roam unchecked for more than twenty years, when he should have been in hospital or jail. Somebody chose to issue him with a gun license and someone chose to sell the guns to him. Eventually Thomas Hamilton chose to carry out his evil deed. However, if after Hungerford, people everywhere had chosen to urge parliament to outlaw guns because individuals don't need them, then Thomas Hamilton would never have been able to make his sinister choice.

It may be too difficult for some people to accept that God's law is natural. To try and alter it only creates problems. Sometime the effects cannot be seen immediately and when the devastation befalls it can be too late to rectify the situation without any suffering. Individuals  can create  a safe and  peaceful  environment.

For example the farmers have not only changed the natural eating habits of cows but have made them into cannibals. Cows are herbivores yet they have been fed dead sheep and cow offal. As a consequence of eating contaminated beef people are now being affected by Creutzfeldt -Jacob the equivalent of BSE, the 'mad-cow disease'.

Similarly Syphilis, gonorrhea, aids are diseases spread by sexual promiscuity. God's natural law encourages family based relationships and going against it has led the world to suffer in immeasurable proportions.

Our representatives in government should be the ones to set standards. They are, however, poor examples as role models. Their greed for power and money overrides all objectives. Events in recent years have exposed politicians and royalty as blatant hypocrites yet they remain in public office when any decent person of principle would be ashamed to show face. Honourable (?) Members of Parliament while exalting family values have had mistresses, romped with prostitutes, lied to the public and even the heir to the throne who, if he becomes king, would be defender of the Christian faith has publicly admitted to having an adulterous affair.

Responsibility for creating a safe and peaceful environment lies not only with the wider communities and governments but also with individuals. However, as long as people both in public office and private lives have their own selfish agenda, tragedies can only be followed not by positive action but gestures, speeches and flowers.

Dunblane now joins Hungerford as it refuels the firearm debate. If the government does not outlaw guns and we elect to keep them in power then we have nobody to blame but ourselves. And we will pay for the consequences.