







The call did not specify a segment I/O area. This is a programming error


The call included a SSA with a hierarchical error. This is a programming error


The function code specified for the call contains an incorrect value.


The call requires at least one SSA. This is a programming error (ISRT call).


The error occurred when trying to open the database data set .The most common cause of the AI status code is an error in the JCL defining the database data set. You might also get this error if you try to load an existing database or do other than load processing on empty data set.


The call specified an invalid SSA. This is a programming error. If the format of the SSA is correct make sure the call doesn't specify an invalid SSA type. For an ISRT call, the lowest level SSA must be unqualified. For a REPL call, there may not be a qualified SSA, and for a DLET call, there may be only one SSA and it must be unqualified.


The field named on a qualified SSA is not correct. This is a programming error.


The call attempted an unauthorized operation, that is , one not allowed by the processing options or sensitive segments specified in the PCB. This is a programming error.


The call caused an operation that resulted in a physical I/O error. This is a serious error that probably requires intervention by a system programmer.


The I/O area the call specified is too large. This is usually a programming error, but the program's PSB may be incorrect.


The SSA's specified in the call exceeded the maximum length allowed for them in the PSB. This is usually a programming error, but the PSB may be incorrect.


The key field (or a non-replaceable field) has been changed in the program's I/O area.


The update call wasn't preceded by a successful get hold call. This is a programming error.


The call violated a delete rule for a segment. This is usually a programming error.


A higher-level segment was retrieved during sequential retrieval, usually a GA isn't a error but an expected condition.


The end of database was reached during sequential retrieval.


Position was lost before the call could be completed, probably because a segment in the path to it was deleted through another PCB.


A segment occurrence meeting all the specified qualifications wasn't found (for a get call) or couldn't be added due to an error in the specified path (for an ISRT call).


A segment of different type but at the same hierarchical level was retrieved during sequential retrieval. Usually GK isn't an error but an expected condition.


Proper parentage isn't in effect. This is usually a programming error.


The segment trying to be inserted already exists in the database.


The call violated an insert rule for a segment. This is usually a programming error.


The segment trying to be inserted already exists in the database.


The input data is not in hierarchical sequence.


One or more segments in the path to the segment being loaded are missing ( an error in hierarchical sequence).


The sequence of segment types at the same level isn't the same as that specified in the DBD(an error in hierarchical sequence).


The call caused an operation that resulted in a physical I/O error on a secondary index. This is a serious error that requires intervention by a system programmer.


The call violated a replace rule for a segment. This is usually a programming error for an ISRT call.


A variable length segment longer than the maximum segment size was specified. This is a programming error.