English 9 for Teachers and Students
English 9--Doug Quested and Carly Hunter
Welcome To English 9!

Welcome to English 9 at Stelly's with Mr. Quested and Ms. Hunter. This website is intended to support students with their learning, and provide teachers access to ideas and resources. For all others, the site is a great way to spend some time enjoying English.
Within this site you will find links to the Intergrated Resource Packages, course outlines, homework updates and useful information which will help you with the content of this course. For example, you will find links about Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", poetry, novels and short stories. This website will help students learn the couse material and provide research opportunities for required assignments. You will also be able to e-mail Mr. Quested or Ms. Hunter with any questions you may have. Happy Browsing!!!!!!

If you have any Questions, Concerns, Comments...Please E-Mail us!

Doug Quested--dquested@home.com
Carly Hunter--chunter@uvic.ca

This page designed and maintained by HunterQuest Communications