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Check out this full page ad from the newspaper

Much better than the one that's posted at our mall nearby.



How did you do that Pops?
Write your name on your . . uh, chest
like that? Your room really does have 
a mirror over the bed doesn't it

I want to see something like a McDonald sign at 
Bench saying **,***,** million lipsticks sold



Say, what about your male fans??
Not going to endorse 
anything that would appeal to us?

Like maybe a stun gun or cigars . .

I don't mind U coming here
and wasting all my time
cuz when you're all so near
I kind of lose my mind
It's not the lipstick 
that U wear . .
It's not the ribbons
in your hair . .
I don't mind U coming here
and wasting all my time
because you're just want I needed
I needed someone to please -

Midi song playing: " Just What I Needed "  by The Cars

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