Here it is - my second check from!!! - Click to sign up!
Here it is - my first check from!!! - Click to sign up!

Are You Still Waiting for your "GET PAID TO SURF" Company to PAY?

If you are still waiting, You're probably FED UP with waiting lists, missed dates, extensive delays, beta tests, computer crashes, servers down, missing web sites, etc., etc. (do we need to go on?)

I have been paid for surfing time from November 1999 through today (and still going strong)! works now, and I am proof that people are earning money today (probably while you read this)!

The Surf Window is a small bar that can be placed anywhere on your computer screen. It gives you a search engine, access to tons of free stuff, and powerful tools! And you Get Paid for using it!

+ More Money - Get Paid EVERYTIME you use your computer

+ More Fun - use it with your favorite software applications

+ Advanced Technology and Powerful Search Features

To join, go to the web site: Sign Up Screen

The demand for the SurfWindow is incredible. With the changes made by other companies recently, we expect that demand for the ePIPO SurfWindow will increase. We thank you all for sticking with us for so long and we're glad that we're going to be able to reward your patience.

We'll be contacting hundreds of thousands of you soon to download the SurfWindow... and to run it in Cash Mode. We know that you've been waiting for this! Read on for more information.


We are pleased to announce that our latest round of checks are currently being processed by our payment partner and should be in the hands of SurfPartners by the 23rd of this month. While some services are currently taking 60 or even 90 days to pay their members, our latest checks represent everything that our members earned through the end of last month.


We've had two prize drawings since the last eZine and we've given away some exciting prizes. Palm V's, a complete computer system, a trip to Hawaii, gift certificates... and thousands of dollars in cash have all been won in the last few months. This is over and above all of the cash we've given away to members for the time they've spent surfing.

Between now and the end of this year, we want to send more of our SurfPartners on trips. Trips to exotic locations will be given away each month. We'll be introducing new ways to earn points and some other exciting new prizes, so keep an eye on our Contest page.


Our engineering team is currently putting the finishing touches on Version 2.0. This new version has a number of new features. Additionally, we have done a complete rearchitecture of our database. These changes will allow us to drastically increase the distribution of our software. (Keep reading to get the specifics of the release.)


- Version 2.0 of the SurfWindow is now moving into beta testing. - By the end of this month we will begin rolling it out to our U.S. members.

- By the end of July, every U.S. member over the age of 13 will be able to download and use the SurfWindow to earn CASH.

- We're working with partners in other countries right now and we're determining the most effective way to roll out the SurfWindow to members outside the U.S..

You already spend time online the Internet - Why not get paid for it?

To join, go to the web site: Sign Up Screen

Sharing the wealth of the Internet with you

If you can't stand advertisements
If you dislike internet ads and don't want them to appear on your computer screen, then these programs may not be the right thing for you. This is a personal decision that only you can make. If you are passionate about your dislike of advertisements, we recommend you avoid these "get paid to surf" programs to remove the annoyances from your internet experience.

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