Objectivism - An Overview
Objectivism - An Overview

Ayn Rand: A Brief Biography

Ayn (pronounced ein) Rand - 1905-1982
American Novelist and Philosopher

Born Alisa Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia. At that time, Russia was undergoing a governmental revolution, and a totaltarianist state had begun. She quickly learned the evils of a Socialist society, and in response, came to America at the age of 21 after graduating from the University of Stalingrad. Once in America, she lived in Chicago, but later moved to Hollywood. She wrote screenplays, but without much success.

She wrote her first novel "We the Living" in 1936. Her next, a novelette entitled "Anthem" was penned in 1938, and along with "We the Living", described the evils of life under Russia's Socialist regime. Her next works were significantly more substantial and incorporated more of her ideas regarding Objectivism. These consisted of "The Fountainhead" (1943), which she described as merely an "overture" to "Atlas Shrugged" (1957). Both works focused on the theme of the egoistic genius, but she considered "Atlas" as her greatest work and a more complete picture of her Objectivist ideals. (For a complete listing of her work, see link below).