the Origin of PLUR

Lots of party kids think PLUR is some philosophy dating back to Woodstock. True, hippys were big on peace and love, but that's not where PLUR came from. all true old skoolers know about PLUR and its role in the entire rave culture...
Frankie Bones introduced raves (in the underground party sense) to the east coast by throwing a series of huge underground partys - known as the Storm Raves. Many promotors give Mr.Bones credit as the founding father of raves in America. It was at one of these Storm Raves that Mr.Bones gave a very important speech after one of his very powerful sets. He explained what the scene was about and why he had brought it to NY: peace, love, unity, and respect. When he finished everybody in the warehouse waved their hands in the air in complete unity; for many it was the most beautiful speech anyone had ever heard.
When raves really started taking off, many of the old skoolers still talked about Frankie's speech. They talked about it so much that PLUR became the acronym for peace, love, unity, and respect. but it wuz Dan Freelove, the list administrator of ne-raves, to first use PLUR in his sig ... as a result PLUR became an ne-raves 'thing'!

This is Brad Finley's definition of PLUR:
we are all connected. and do you know what connects us all? on the net it's called PLUR. no it's not a dishwater detergent, its an acronym that stands for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. these are big words and may be difficult to define but here are some ideas:
the calmness you find with those around you, and also inside of yourself. it's tough, we often have to work at it but when you're at peace with others, with ourselves and with our planet only good can come of it.
the caring you feel for friends, for strangers, for those in need and also for caring you show for yourself. it's symbiotic, it's about sharing whatever energy you put into something will be returned to you!
this means we all share alot of common things, regardless of our age, gender, race, orientation, whatevah! we are all human beings, we all need other people, & we're all in this for the happiness experienced being around others. though we may have differences, we all arise from the same source.
this may mean respect for others, their ideas, their music, & their lives. it's also respect for one's self: one's body and the needs that it has (food, sleep). educating yourself on the substances you ingest shows love and respect for your body; passing on the knowledge to others shows respect and love for your fellow person.

Many party kids are now also adding the term Responsibility to Brad's list. Responsibility, meaning knowing when the party ends, taking care of yourself and others, and above all - being safe!

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