Sit At My Table

Come sit at My table.
Where I have laid out for you -
       a special place
       a tray full of bounty
       wine overflowing.

You have toiled far into the night.
In all seasons you planted the seed.
In sunshine and storm you worked the fields.
Gather now your harvest and fill your barns.
Partake of the fruits of your labor.

I was a child wandering and lost
And you took Me home.
I was a beggar and you gave Me food.
I was in pain and you healed Me.

In my lonely hours you smiled at Me.
When life was dark and hopeless
You brought Me light and strength.
Your helping hand reached out to hold Me.

If you ask Me when I was all these things
Or how you should find Me a child or a beggar
A soul despairing and weak.

Look around you and you will see Me.
I am your neighbor.
"Whatever you do to the least of them
You do to Me."

So come now and sit at My table.
You have earned your reward.
And you shall dwell in My house forever.

-----------------------© Jotte: January 4, 1999

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