Chalky, Dufus, Shirt and Cwej...

…An Indian Storm in Barnes








Large Endings had pulled off quite a scoop. They'd got Paul McGann to star in a series of audio adventures. The fan circuit was wetting itself in anticipation.

7th Galaxy, unable to get the publicity-shy McGann, had still arranged a little signing to launch the first CD - Storm Warning.

In attendance would be Alan Barnes, the writer of McGann's 'debut' (and also newly appointed editor of MWD); India Fisher, the brand new audio companion, Charlotte 'Charley' Pollard to Paul McGann's Doctor; and Helen Goldwyn, alien refugee and soon-to-be converted space-scrapwoman.

The event passed with little incidence.

Chalky praised Helen efforts as the eponymous computer in Large Endings latest Bernice audio release The Secret of Cassandra.

The trio all had another photograph taken with the gorgeous India Fisher!

Chalky and Shirt heaped praise upon Miss Fisher's amusing accents and the three had a giggle over not mentioning any names of fellow actors with maybe a less sure grasp on accents, especially Afrikaans - oops, no names mentioned!!!!

Cwej had also turned up and showed off by hobnobbing with the hoi-polloi - or Alan Barnes to be precise.

Disappointment in not actually having covers for their Storm Warning CDs was averted due to the fact that they were somewhere in Paul McGann's house waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting…) to be signed.

Returning home, the trio decided to listen to the first 2 episodes together as a sort of communal experience.

Apart from deep philosophical discussions about Barnaby Edwards accent, they couldn't have enjoyed it more.

Soon, the Cybermen would return!


