Chalky, Dufus, Shirt & Lupine…

…Scurry from the Scorpion


Shirt was a little bit merry. Large Endings had decided to team get Nicola Bryant and Peter Davison together again and tape the proceedings.

Fortunately, they were going to be performing another audio play…

7th Galaxy were going to hold yet another signing for the release of the CD with Mr. Davison in attendance.

The gang - which now seemed to be a regular foursome due to the now customary attendance of Mr. Lupine and his insane antics - congregated at the place of purchase and waited in anticipation for the Doctor's arrival.

In general, the signing passed without much incident. Greetings were made to Chris Cwej, who had been absent of late.

Top tottie was eyed up from afar (there were at least 4 unaccompanied females in the queue - a rarity for any type of Doctor Who event - even when Enigma was present).

The gang were actually forced to stand by the scary mural of giant people.

But aside from all this, very little happened.

On meeting Mr. Davison, Chalky enquired after his forthcoming pilot 'Dangerous Davies'. Mr. Davison said it was due on TV in October and Chalky promised to look out for it.

He moved on to the pretty, but rather reserved Caroline Morris, who plays the forthright Pharaoh, Erimem in the audio play.

Chalky asked if she was to feature in any future plays, and she indicated it was most likely. What she failed to reveal was that she was, at this time, an unannounced new companion for the 5th Doctor. Chalky would go on to be most annoyed that he did not know this in advance, as he would have brought along his celebrated tome - The Companions, by JNT - to have signed by Miss Morris.

Chalky then moved on to Mr. David Darlington, a protegé of Alastair Lock in that he is this CD's audio engineer (and also on The Skymines of Karthos, the latest Benny adventure, which Chalky thrust under his nose).

Finally, perched precariously on the end of the table, was producer extraordinaire and protegé to the legendary JNT - Jason Haigh-Ellery. The man who, by all accounts, is the reason us non-subscribers will get to hear Frobisher again - yeh!

The gang then decided to potter along to the What Shop, because Dufus wanted to see if they had any copies of The Extinction Event (another Benny CD).

Unfortunately, the gang had forgotten that the What Shop were also holding a signing that day. Namely, Mr. Terry Molloy - Davros and undercover policeman (whom Dufus and Shirt had met previously at the Punch Middle). To be honest, the incredibly lengthy queue (cough cough) outside the shop wasn't going to tip them off there was a special event.

Skulking from the shop and trying to disguise the fact that they had absolutely no intention of purchasing the required Dalek box set (a copy of which, Lupine already had not very well concealed in a plastic 7th Galaxy carrier bag by his side) the gang quickly made their departure.


