Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…

…Conspire Against Mary

(Guest Starring DesRes)






Large Endings were releasing another in their excellent range of audios - The Marian Conspiracy, and Seventh Galaxy were hosting another in their excellent range of autograph signings.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt were, unsurprisingly, off to London (it is Colin after all, said Shirt, I love Colin…). DesRes, surprisingly, wanted to come with them.

DesRes shares a house with Dufus (poor her) and was curious as to what sad fans get up to on a Saturday afternoon.

"Okay," said the friends, "but it might be a bit boring."

"Never mind," replied DesRes, "I'd still like to come."

And so it was that they set off full of eager anticipation, safe in the knowledge that not only was Colin there, but also Jac Rayner, Nick Pegg and Graeme Harper (of all people).


Chalky, Dufus and Shirt stocked up on the usual merchandise and DesRes (on a slightly smaller budget) bought a bookmark…of Tom!

"That's the wrong Mr. Baker," said the others.

"Yeh, but I liked Tom Baker," replied DesRes.

"Just don't show Colin the front," advised the friends.


Whilst in the shop, the friends were entranced by the arrival of Miss Jacqueline Rayner - writer of the audio drama.

"Mmmmmmm," said the friends.


The time arrived…and the time passed. Colin was late.

Shambolic proceedings ensued (through no fault of anyone), but eventually the friends went in to see the guests who had arrived on time - including an unexpected Barnaby Edwards.

"I knew I should have brought Beyond the Sun," said Chalky.

"It's alright, we'll be back for Spectre of Lanyon Moor," said Nick and Barnaby.

The atmosphere was great with everyone chatty and cheery.


"Hello, I'm Graeme Harper," said Graeme Harper.


The queue was rejoined to await Colin's arrival. 2 hours passed…

He arrived, apologetic and frazzled from a strenuous car journey, and proceeded to sign away with the usual cheery disposition which was great from someone who had every right to be a bit annoyed with life in general at that moment.


DesRes got her bookmark signed, but then smudged it…but at least she provided a service to Dufus and Shirt……

…of getting extra items signed for them, I mean J .


A long day - but what friendly people they were.


