Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…









Chalky was finally going to meet the star he'd always dreamt of. The star who had filled his dreams ever since her legendary performance on British TV.

Gemma Bissix! (Nigel's daughter, Clare, in Eastenders)

Oh, and some woman called Bonnie Langford was there too. Anyone heard of her? Apparently she was in Doctor Who.

(Actually, Chalky was immensely excited at the prospect of meeting Bonnie Langford. He had long been an admirer of her work and had missed her first visit to 7th Galaxy due to a prior engagement in Devon.

He was most worried that Miss Langford would be unavoidably detained herself this time seeing as the prospect of the patter of tiny feet was surely but a few weeks away.)

The trio wended their way east of London.

Also in attendance were Steve Lyons, writer of Bonnie's return to Who - The Fires of Vulcan, and Anthony Keetch - sometime actor of Big Finish (and BBV).

Chalky was almost wetting himself with anticipation.

Dufus and Shirt were a mite worried that, with Miss Langford's current state (i.e. pregnant), they could find themselves drowning in pools of not-very-nice-liquid.

The time arrived and the trio filed through…

Chalky and Shirt are constantly wondering why they don't put a leash and a muzzle on Dufus:

"Was your husband in the National Lottery adverts?" he asks Bonnie.

Heads in hands.

"Yes he was actually," replies Bonnie. "And everyone seems to think that we're loaded as a result."

Chalky is all a dither as he explains how thrilled he is to meet Bonnie, due to his unavoidable absence on the school trip.

"Oh, you're a teacher?" ask Bonnie and Gemma.

"Indeed," replies Chalky as another celebrity chat about teaching ensues.

Dufus and Shirt have heads in hands.

Bonnie passes Shirt's Companions book along to the lovely Miss Bissix. She's about to sign it before she stops and looks at Shirt.

"Do you want me to sign this?"

Shirt, ever the diplomat, replies, "Did you travel in the TARDIS?" A conversation ensues between Gemma and Bonnie as to whether her character hops aboard the time machine, which eventually comes to the conclusion that she can't have because the TARDIS spends the entire story buried. Consequently, Gemma doesn't sign Shirt's book. (Although on Shirt's basis for people signing his book, he'd better start stalking Kevin McNally, Keith Jayne, Polly James and most of the Earthshock cast).

After photos with the lovely gals and brief comments to the blokes (tactfully ignoring Mr. Keetch's prominently placed novel 'Moonquake') the trio, now breathing deeply and recovering from the joy wended their way home to see how many times Mel does actually scream on audio.

(And do you know, she didn't do it once - how disappointing).


