Breed:  Chinese Crested
Color:  Black, White & Tan  HL 
Sex:  Male
Born:  01-27-98
Reg.#  TN732408/01 
Call Name:  Kit
Bred by:  Robert Collins & Jimm Cox
Owned by:  Jerrie Wolfe, Patricia Watson & Irene Mogg
Parents Grand-Parents 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation
Am.Ch. Willow Saturday Nite Special, Tri-color HL, TN410052/01  Am.Ch. Willow Chillipepper V Gingery, TN18868309 Zucci Glamour Boy   Zucci Mr. Perfect   Kojak Kristmas Kracker  
Kojak Karmen of Zucci
Zucci Inspiration   Izcuintll Xcuseme 
Blandora High Fidelity  
Gingery's Nightshade V Sol-Orr   Intl.Ch. Gingery's Tumbleweed, Blue, TM696724/01   Am.Ch. Gingery's Beetle Juice  
Am.Ch. Gingery's Pandemonium  
Am.Ch. Sol-Orr's Genuine Risk   Am.Ch. Sun-A-Ra's Silver Lining, ROM 
Sol-Orr's Chantilly Filly  
Victory's Cairngorm Am.Ch. Gipez's Hu-Ching  Am.Ch. Gipez Ying-Ming of Mordor   Tod-Mar's Double Trouble  
Mordor Melissa Rose  
Am.Ch. Mordor Marina of Gipez   Intl.Ch. Mordor Allo  
Mordor Malificent  
Am.Ch. Gingery's Chargi of Dynamite   Am.Ch. Gingery's Maple Syrup, ROM  Am.Ch. Gipez's Sun-Ra  
Am.Ch. Gingery's Pandemonium,  
Am.Ch. Jann's Kriquet Kolada  Gipez's Ka Ying of Jann,  
Gipez's Ci Xi of Jann,  
Am.Ch. RobRex's Expresso Classico, TN395711/01 Am.Ch. Wudnshu's Willie Wonka, TN186142/01 Am.Ch. Taleeca Designer Gene   Am.Ch. Taleeca Troubleshooter   Moonchimes Fire Cracker,  
Blandora Celestial Melody,  
Taleeca Trick or Treat   Eng.Ch. Blandora Buttons of Churrasco  
Blandora Celestial Melody  
Am.Ch. Sol-Orr's Safe Bet of Jann   Am.Ch. Sun-A-Ra's Silver Lining, ROM, Blu & Wht, TD415018 FDS   Am.Ch. Dar-Walk's Szechuan of Gipez, SOD
Mer-Maid of Kivox, DOM,  
Jann's Nova of Sol-Orr   Gipez's Ka Ying of Jann 
Razzmatazz Pekoe of Jann  
Taleeca Cafe Au Lait, TN14709501 Blandora Pony Express   Blandora Atlantic Express,   Blandora American Express of Benbala
Talvina Miss Peases,  
Benbala Black Venus   Blandora Exploding Star  
Blandora Chia Chia,  
Ligray The Blonde Bombshell   Eng.Ch. Kojak Konkorde, KCSB 5256BT   Eng.Ch. Jaspar Of Kojac  
Eng.Ch. Aes Mei-Ching
Movalian Dynastys Palomino   Eng.Ch. Aes Into Dynasty,  
Aes Dy-Lectable  

Kit's Picture Pedigree
Kit's Win Record
Kit's Photo Album

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This page was last up-dated May 21, 2001

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Web Design & maintenance by Jerrie Wolfe