To all our Prayer Partners,

Shalom and Blessings from Tel Aviv!

G., a Russian-Jewish man who came to the Lord through an outreach that we had (for those who do not know, he was an alcoholic and searching for the Messiah, who found his Messiah in Dugit) is doing wonderful, and growing in the Lord. He is an inspiration to us all. He comes to home group and is actively involved in our congregation Adonai Roi. He is so hungry for God that he is growing intellectually and spiritually in The Word. He witnesses about the Messiah at his job, and gives his testimony of his born again experience and life changing encounter with Yeshua the Messiah.

Following up on the two Orthodox girls from _________ that came to know the Messiah at  Dugit; They have come and visited us again and told us how they were reading The New Testament Scriptures and other books we gave them in secret under their beds at night.   Please pray for their protection and continued strength.

We had a divine appointment phone call. One night we received a phone call from a gentleman named R. who lives in Jerusalem. He wanted somebody to pray with. He has been reading the Tenach (Old Testament) and seeing revelations of the Messiah from the Holy Scriptures. We prayed that he would have perfect peace. While praying with him on the phone he said that he wanted more. He wanted to receive Yeshua as his Messiah, and he prayed the prayer of salvation. He called up the next day and was very eager to speak with us again. We encouraged him, prayed with him, and invited him to come visit with us. Please pray in God’s Perfect Timing that he will feel comfortable enough to grow in a congregation and be discipled.

A. (a man from seven generations of rabbis) continues to come and visit us. He is such a gentle and sweet man, and it is an honor and privilege to know that he feels so comfortable every time he comes.

What the Enemy tries to use for evil, God will turn for good. Recently one of the young Orthodox men from Yad Lachim (Anti-Missionary) spoke profanity at some of the women that are volunteers at Dugit. The next day, he was out there with two Orthodox women, one of which was a new comer. We went out to converse with the religious women. They commented to us that they have always been shown respect and kindness when they stand in front of Dugit handing out their leaflets. We got to talking about what had happened the previous day with the young man. The women were very upset with him, and immediately corrected him, and said they were going to go to the rabbi. The next day, the young man apologized to the ladies he spoke to. “Let your light so shine among men, that they see your good works and glorify the father in heaven”. By their own admittance, our treating them with kindness and respect, speaks volumes to them.

Thank you for your prayers, as you can see they are bearing fruit!

Please pray for the Yad Lachim members who continue to stand outside, that their hearts would be touched and opened, and that they would come to know the Messiah. They continue to rotate their people that stand outside. They are doing this because of their concern of our influence and the example that we are to them. This gives us a greater opportunity for us to pray for more Orthodox Jews to come to faith. Please stand in the gap with us. Please pray specifically that the Orthodox will see Yeshua the Messiah in the scriptures as they read and study them.

Luke 24:44-46

“Then he said, ‘When I was with you, don’t you remember my telling you that every thing written about me in the Law of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must all come true.’ Then he opened their minds that they would understand these scriptures.”

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

Shalom, Shalom,

The Dugit Staff

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