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Aqua- A competitor in the Annoyoichi Budoukai. He looks like a man crossed with a fish and he's not not much of a fighter on land, but under water even Goku isn't much of a fight for him.

Akuman "Devil Man"- One of Uranai Baba's fighters. He made Goku a run for his life when he tried to blow up his heart by expanding evil in it, but he didn't know that Goku was a pure hearted person.

Apuuru "Apple"- One of Freeza's henchmen on Nameck. His life was put to an end when Vegeta escaped from the healing tank.

Amondo "Almond"- The big guy in The Tree of Might who was killed by Goku.

Angira- A boy villain from DBZ Movie 4.You would think he was Zarbon's brother by the way he acts. He looks like a Greek God with horns sticking out of his head. He's killed when he swallows his own ki attack because Goku reflects it back at him.

Annai Oni "Ogre Intern"- The Ogre who escorts Goku to Snake Way.

Annin- The female guardian of the Furnace of Eight Divinations at the border between the world and the after-life.

Iedei "Yeti"- The giant monster on the planet Arlia that Vegeta and Nappa killed.

Ikose- The fourteen year old who faces off against Goten in the childrens division of the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He is KOed in one punch from Goten. He was born in 760 AD.

Idaasa- Ikose's fifteen year old brother. He had a similar defeat by Trunks. He was born in 759 AD.

Idaasa no Mama "Idaasa's Mom"- This fat lady is very rude to Bulma and Chi Chi while in the stands of the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. She bragged about how her sons would beat Goten and Trunks. When they both lose she flips out. Chi Chi shut her up by knocking the daylights out of her.

Ireeza "Eliza"- A blond girl in Gohan's class at Orange Star High School who has a bit of a crush on him. She never directly aproaches him about it. She sits right next to him.

Intabiyuaa "Interviewer"- The man who interviews Mr. Satan during his first appearence in the manga.

Uubu "Uub"- The good reincarnation of Buu as a human. He's a little black boy from a poor village Goku meets at the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He seems to have no power, but when Goku makes him mad his true power shows. Then he hurts Goku's arm when he kicked it. He agreed to go to Kami Palace to control and improve his power. He was born a few months after Buu was killed in 774 AD.

Oolong- He plays a big role in Dragon Ball but in DBZ after each episode he slowly becomes not so important. He was born in 740.

Ueburi- One of the competitors in the Childrens Division of the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He loses because he starts crying.

Uketsuke no Oyaji "Receptionist Man"- The man who registers fighters in the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Umigame "Sea Turtle"- Master Roshi's pet turtle. During DBZ he celebrates his 1,000th birthday in.

Uranai Baba "Fortune Telling Granny"- This old which is Master Roshi's sister. She can see the future with her crystal ball and she is about 500 years old.

Earobi no Onna no Hito "Aerobics Woman"- This is the woman who teaches the aerobics classes on TV that Master Roshi drools over.

HTV no Jyosei Intabyuaa "HTV's Woman Interviewer"- An interviewer for HTV. She tries to interview Piccolo and Vegeta at the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai but they ignore her.

Ebifuriya- The villain in The Worlds Strongest who can freeze people with a blast shot from his hands.

Emi "Amy"- One of the children aboard the ship of orphins that Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma become trapped in on their way to Nameck. This is the one who kicked Krillin.

Enjiira "Angela"- A girl who developes a quick crush on Gohan and goes on a date with him.

Enma Daiou "Great Demon King"- The giant god of the ogres who decides if people go to Heaven or Hell when they die. He grants Goku permission to travel on Snake Way to try and reach King Kai's Planet.

Oorinji no Senpai Tachi "Elders of the Many Tree Temple"- Krillins elders who beat him up for fun when he's in the Orinji Temple.

Ookane Mani "Ookane Monky"- The wife of the richest man in the world. She plays a small part in DBZ Movie 9.

Otoko Suki "I Like Men"- A gay competitor in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He dressed in black leather but built well.

Oribu "Olive"- A competitor in the Annoyoichi Budoukai. Goku and him become friends.

Gariku "Garlic"- The father of Garlic Jr. born in 300 AD. He competed with the origianal Piccolo for the seat of Kami, but was not able to get to the throne because the previos Kami saw his evil ambitions.

Gariku Jyunya "Garlic Junior"- Garlics son born to complete his fathers dream and take vengeance. He was the main villain in DBZ Movie 1. He was sealed in the deadzone at the end of the movie. He later apeared in the anime during the Freeza Saga with more evil villans on his side.

Kita no Kaiou "Kaiou of the North"- This is the one you may know by the name of King Kai. He trained Goku, Tien, Yamcha, Choazu, and Piccolo but Piccolo didn't really participate. He was killed in the year 767 AD when Goku teleported Cell to his planet because Cell was Self-Destructing.

Kaichyuu Okaku- A family of worms that live in Buu's stomache. Vegeta and Goku run into them on their journey through Buu in the anime.

Kakao- The android member in DBZ Movie 3 The Tree of Might. He was killed by Goku.

Kakuja- One of Slug's scientists in DBZ Movie 4.

Gashyu "Cashew"- One of Garlics Juniors men when he returns in the anime He's pretty tough and one of the last guys to die.

Kanemochi Fuufu- A rich couple that pays to fave their fortune told by Uranai Baba.

Kami Samma "God"- Born in 250 AD on the planet Nameck he was sent to earth for fear that the planet Nameck would be destroyed by violent storms. He grew up on earth and eventually felt he was to be Kami. He trained under the current Kami and then ascended to the throne in 431 AD. He ruled untill 767 then joined with Piccolo to grant him more power and knowledge.

Kame Sennin " Master Roshi"- Born in 430 AD. Master Roshi became the strongest man in the world after his sensei was killed by Piccolo Daimaou. He participated in many Tenkaichi Budoukai's and won every one he was in up to the 22nd. In 749 AD he met Goku. In september he began training Goku and Krillin.

Karin- The 800 year old white cat that lives at the top of Karin Tower. He is just below the rank of Kami. Karin is the only one that grows Senzu Beans which heal wounds and are equil to eating 10 days of food.

Karugo "Kago"- Dende's brother who is killed buy Freeza when he tried to run away with his brother. He is later revived with the earth Dragon Balls.

Kan Fu Otoko " Kung Fu Man"- A competitor in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Kiira "Killer"- A black guy in who participates in the Battle Royale at the end of the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He is KOed by Goten and Trunks.

Kishiime- The villain in The Worlds Strongest who shocks his enemy with tenticles that come out of his arms.

Kita no Kaiushin "Kaioushin of the North"- Only seen in the anime. One of the three Kaioushins killed by Buu.

Ginyu- Leader of the Ginyu Force, Freeza's elite squad of five fighters. Ginyu is the strongest. He has the ability to change bodies with anything living. when he changes he has thepower level that his enemy has. Finally he accidentily changed with a frog two times. The second time was permanent.

Kyaputen Chikin "Captain Chicken"- One of the goofy but strong competitors in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Kiui "Kiwi"- One of Freeza's top men on Nameck but was killed by Vegeta when he got out of the healing tank.

Gyuu Maou "Ox King"- Chi Chi's father and Goku's Father-in-Law.He is very Strong and trained under Master Roshi. As DBZ goes on he slowly fades into the background.

Gyosan Mane "Gyosan Money"- A very rich person who schedules the Martial Arts Tournament in DBZ Movie 9.

Gyoshyu- A little alien scientists that works for Slug in DBZ Movie 4. He's killed by Slug when he tells him it will take 10 days to re-alighn the earths orbit.

Kyo Dai Kani "Ultimate Crab"- A giant species of crab that lives in the deep waters of Nameck. Bulma encounters a female one in the anime.

Kirano- A competitor in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai that faces off against Captain Chicken.

Kuura "Koola"- Freeza's brother who has five forms instead of four who is defeated by Goku in DBZ Movie 5.

Krillin- Krillin is Goku's best friend. He's not really bald. He shaves his head so people can't grab it during a fight. After the Cell Saga he lets it grow back. His wife is Android 18 and has a daughter named Maron. He was born in 736 AD.

Gurudo- The smallest member of the Ginyu force and least powerful. He is a little green alien with four eye's. He is weak but has some good moves. He can freeze time as long as he can hold his breath and he can freeze his opponents in place. He is killed by Vegeta.

Gurumesu ou "King Gurumesa"- The villain in DB Movie one. He is a normal person who became corrupt when he dicovered special rubies that made him infinite hunger.

Gureto Saiyaman "Great Saiyaman"- Gohans alter ego during his high school life who has a special invention made by Bulma which helps him change from a normal outfit to a super-hero.

Gureto Saiyaman 2 "Great Saiyaman 2"- In the anime and in DBZ Movie 13 Videl ,who is Gohans girlfriend, has a similar outfit.

Guregori "Gregory"- This is King Kai's little flying cricket. You see him in the anime a couple of times and in a couple of movies. He is always talking about how great King Kai is.

KTV Jyosei Intabyua "KTV's Female Interviewer"- A reporter for station KTV.

Genki Dama ni Kyouryoku Shytotsuru Otuoko "First normal man to give his power to the Genki Dama"- Since Goku can't make a Genki Dama while as a Super Saiyan he asks Vegeta to ask the people of earth to raise their hands and offer their energy. Not many people do it because they think it's one of Majin Buu's mind tricks, but this guy recognizes Vegeta's voice and raises his hands.

Kenpau Ka- A street fighter who offers 100,000 zeni if they can beat him. He runs into Goku and loses pretty bad.

Piroshiki- One of Mr. Satans students who competes against Cell in the anime. He's pretty strong , but he's not anything compared to Cell.

Kouryu- A ten year old competitor in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Gokuyu- A villain who is taken out by his own boss, Bojack.

Koku Ou "King of the World"- The ruler of the world who you see from time to time while there is a crisis. He's one of the few people that know Goku is an actual hero.

Koku- A girl who lives in a mountain village. She was going to offer herself as a sacrafice to stop a monster from terrorizing her village, but Videl wouldn't let her and put a stop to the monster with help from Goten and Trunks.

Gojeta- The affect of the fusion between Vegeta and Goku. He appears in DBZ Movie 12 and in DBGT.

Gozu- The big blue ogre who Goku meets when he falls off of Snake Way.

Gotenks- The affect of the fusion between Goten and Trunks. He looks small but he's very strong. He battles Majin Buu twice.

Kori Hakase "Dr. Kori"- A scientist from DBZ Movie 11 who assists in the creation of Bio Brolly.

Korudo Ou "King Kold"- Freeza's dad who accompanies him on his trip to earth to seek revenge on Goku. King Kold looks kind of like Freeza in form 2.

Zaakuro- One of the two aliens that make the allusion of being Nameckians to trap Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan on their planet.

Saade- One of the competitors in the Annoyoichi Budoukai. He was born in 3500 BC.

Zaabon "Zarbon"- One of Freeza's men who has the ability to transform to increase his power level a little. He was killed by Vegeta on Nameck the second time he fought with him.

Saiku Oni- The ogre in DBZ Movie 12. He turns into an evil demon known as Janenba.

Saichourou "Ultimate Elder"- This is the oldest and wisest Nameckian you may know as Guru. He can read minds, awaken hidden powers, and creat Dragon Balls. He dies on Nameck thanks to Freeza's influence then brought back to life on earth and lives a little longer then right before he dies and chooses the second eldest Nameck known as Muuri to be Saichourou.

Saibamen- The little green men that Saiyans can grow with a little seed and then just a drop of some kind of special formula.

Suaza- The leader of Koola's special forces team in DBZ Movie 5. He's killed by Piccolo at the end.

Zangya- A female who takes on Krillin and is killed by Bojack because she shows that she is a little scared.

Sanshyo- One of Garlic Juniors men in DBZ Movie 1. He is killed by Piccolo.

Jiisu- A member of the Ginyu Force. He's one of the strongest members but it may not look like it. He is killed by Vegeta.

Shenron- He was created in the year 470. Shenron is the dragon on earth that you see when all 7 Dragon Balls are gathered and someone says the words come out Shenron.

Super Shenron AKA Porunga- This is the Nameckian dragon. He is 5 times bigger than the Shenron on earth. You have to have a password to summon him and it is Porunga.

Jyaga Bandadanshyakku- A villain from DBZ Movie 11 who wants revenge on his old class mate Mr. Satan for beating him in marsial arts when he was a kid. He funds experiments that creat Bio Warriors.

Janenba- When an evil soul machine over flows onto an ogre Janenba is created. He has a bad attitude. Gojeta takes him out no problem.

Sypapuna "Sarpener"- A jock in Gohans High School. He torments Gohan untill he sees that he can take a fast ball straight to the face without moving and can jump really high to catch a fly ball. Then they become friends.
Shyamo- A little alien in DBZ Movie 8 enslaved by Paragus and his men to build a new planet Vegeta. He is named after his planet.

Shyamo Seijin "People of Shyamo"- The people that live on the planet Shyamo. They were all enslaved and their planet destroyed by Brolly.

Shyuusai "Evil Tutor"- Gohans tutor that Chi Chi gets him. He whips Gohan when he doesn't do his work right. Chi Chi finally finds out when she hears him yelling at Gohan and she throws him out a window.

Jyuru "Jewel"- A pretty boy competitor in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He's knocked out by Android #18.

Shura- A god of demons who lives in the underworld. Goku defeats him in a fighting tournament.

Jyosei Kyastua "Woman Newscaster"- A woman who reports about the towns that people have bean absorbed by Cell.

Jinku- One of the orphans Gohan meats when he leaves his training with Piccolo. He's the one who looks like a fox.

Jinjya "Ginger"- Piccolo's driving instructor in the famous driving school episode.

Jinjyaa "Ginger"- One of Garlic Junior's men in DBZ Movie 1. He is killed by Goku.

Jinjya Taun Ichi Erai Kanemochi "Ginger Town's Prominent Rich Man"- One of the people Cell draines.

Jinzouningen Juusan Gou "Artificial Human Number 13"- The main villain in DBZ Movie 7. When he absorbs #14 and #15 he gets quite big. It took everyone to take him down, and a spirit bomb.

Jinzouningen Juuyon Gou "Artificial Human Number 14"- The big blue guy in DBZ Movie 7. He eventullay faces Trunks and has a cool death.

Jinzouningen Juugo Gou "Artificial Human Number 15"- The alchoholic Android in DBZ Movie 7. He's not very tall and Vegeta kills him.

Jinzouningen Juuroku Gou "Artificial Human Number 16"- This is a failure of Dr. Gero's. He was almost just like number 8 except he was willing to carry out his mission to kill Goku. But he did not want to harm anybody else. He loves nature and has birds around him all the time. He an infinite amount of power. In other words he doesn't lay on the ground when he's hurt. He just keeps on going untill he's totally annihilated. He can't absorb. He has the ability to sense other energy too. Cell kills him.

Jinzouningen Juunana Gou "Artificial Human Number 17"- This is the brother of Android 18. Just like the other Androids he's on the earth to kill Goku but nobody else. He also has an infinate amount of energy.

Jinzouingen Juuhachi Gou "Artificial Human Number 18"- This is the sister of number 17. She is wished to be a human and then she marries Krillin. Like her brother she kills no human. Her mission was to kill Goku. While fighting she causes heavy damage. She dislocated Vegeta's arm. Like any normal girl she loves to shop for clothes. She has a daugter named Maron.

Jinzouingen Juuku Gou "Artificial Human Number 19"- Number 19 is completely mechanical. He can absorb any blast shot at him with his hands. He can absorb peolpe by touching them. Vegeta rips off his hands and kills him with the Big Bang Attack. He wasn't made to kill anyone though. He was made to put Dr. Gero's bran in an Android body so he wouldn't die from old age.

Jinzouingen Hijuu Gou "Artificial Human Number 20"- This is the Android that has Dr. Gero's brain. He is killed by number 17.

Supopo Bitchi- A martial artists who did pretty good in the 24th Tenkaichi Budoukai. In the 25th he beat up Videl very bad.

Suragu "Slug"- A villain in DBZ Movie 4 that is a mutant Nameckian who dosn't even know that he's from Nameck. He's killed by the Spirit Bomb.

Zeeun- One of Slug's subordinates that Slug kills for calling him old.

Zeshin- One of the leaders of the group of orphans that Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan accidentaly run into on their trip to Nameck.

ZTV no Jikyou Anaunsa "ZTV's Male Anouncer"- One of the reporters of DBZ that covers the Cell Saga.

Cell- One of the major villains in DBZ. He was created by Dr. Gero. He's a combination of the blood samples of Piccolo, Goku, Vegeta, Freeza, and King Kold. But he looks quite stupid untill he absorbs Androids 17 and 18 to become Perfect Cell. He was killed by Gohan when Perfect Cell shot a giant Kamehameha at the earth and Gohan shot it back at him.

Cell Junior- One of Cells traits he gets from the Nameckian blood to asexually reproduce. He shoots them out through a tube in his back. They don't have much of a brain but are almost as strong as Cell. Cell created seven. One for eack Z soldier. They are all killed by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Senshi Taipu no Nameck Seijin "Warrior Type Nameckian"- Three Nameckian soldier who try to defeat Freeza but are all killed.

Sentou Roboto "Battle Robot"- Mechanical fighting robots that serve as drones for the Big Ghetti Star in DBZ Movie 6.

Sorudo "Salt"- One of Garlic Junior's men. He is very weak and one of the first to die.

Son Goku- The mai character in Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT. He was born in the year 737 AD on the planet Vegeta. He was sent to earth as a baby to destroy it. But one day he fell over a cliff and hit his head and after that he was a loving little boy. In the year 756 he marries Chi Chi. He dies twice in Dragonball Z. First by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon while Goku was holding Raditz. Second when Cell self-destructed Goku took him to King Kai's planet and he got caught in the blast.

Son Goten- This is Goku's second son born in the year 767 AD. He is able to become a Super Saiyan at the age of 7. He doesn't say the Kamehameha right either. He says Kamekameha, but it still works. Goten looks almost exactly like his father.

Son Gohan- This is Goku's first son. He was named after Goku's adoptive grandfather Gohan. He was born in the 757 AD. When he first apears at age for in Dragon Ball Z he is kidnaped his father is killed and he gets taken into the wilderness with Piccolo and he is told to survive for six months by himself. He marries Videl and has a daughter named Pan.

Taado- One of Garlic Junior's men. He is killed at the same time as Zorudo.

Taresu "Taurus"- The main villain in DBZ Movie 3. He came to earth to plant a tree that would grow fruit and make his strength grow massivly. He is killed by Goku's Spirit Bomb.

Daizu "Soybean"- One of Taurus's men killed by Goku.

Dai Kaioushin- The Kaioushins are above the Kaiou's. Dai Kaioushin is the leader of the Kaioushins. He is the highest known deity in Dragon Ball Z.

Tapion- The hero in DBZ Movie 13.He's from the planet Konatsu and has a younger brother named Minoshia.

Tapika- A competitor in the Annoyoichi Budoukai who can move at a very fast speed but he gets tired fast and forfeits.

Chi Chi- Goku's wife. She's the daughter of Gyuu Maou or you might know him as Ox King. She met Goku in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai and loses. After the match Chi Chi asks him if he would like to marry her and he said sure. The only problem is Goku didn't know what marry ment.

Choazu- This is Tenshinhan's little telepathic buddy. Choazu classified as being from earth. He can fight pretty good but he mainly telepathy.

Tsuno- The elder of the village of Nameckians that Vegeta kills off on planet Nameck.

Tenshinhan- Is Choazu's telepathic buddy. He has three eyes but is classified from being from earth. He looks very big but his power level never gets too high.

Dende- This is the Nameckian Krillin and Gohan save early in the Freeza Saga. He has the power to heal and becomes Kami of earth anfer Kami joined with Piccolo.

Dore- One of Koola's men in DBZ Movie 6. Piccolo kills him.

Dokuta Uiro "Dr. Willow"- The main villain in DBZ Movie 2. He had his brain was transplanted into a large robotic body. Then he was frozen in ice for 50 years. But then his assistant wished for all the ice to melt. Goku kills him with a Spirit Bomb.

Dokuta Koochin "Dr. Koochin"- Dr. Willow's android assistant who wished him from his ice prison with the Dragon Balls.

Toto Oyako "Toto Family"- A family Gohan and Goten become friends with. The mother and father are not given a name but the baby is called Chibi which means little or small.

Dodoria- One of Freeza's top men. He is killed by Vegeta.

Mirai no Trunks "Future Trunks"- Future Trunks comes through a time machine in the year 764 AD. He gave Goku the special heart medicine so he wouldn't die from a heart attack. He also came to warn Goku of the Androids that would be there in three years. Then he came back three years later to help during the Cell Saga.

Chibi Trunks "Little Trunks"- This is the little Trunks from the present. He and Goten are very good friends. They both like adventures. Like Goten he turns Super Saiyan at an early age. He doesn't have much faith in Goku just like his father untill he fills Goku's energy when he turned Super Saiyan 3.

Torubi- A competitor in the Annoyoichi Budoukai.

Dorodabo- A fat villain in DBZ Movie 4. Piccolo kills him.

Metade ora no Kitoushi "Metade the Priest"- A priest in DBZ Movie 10.

Nappa- A Saiyan born on planet Vegeta. He is killed by Goku when he came to the earth for the Dragon Balls. Amzingly he was 50 when he was killed. He looks about 30. He is not realy bald.

Namek sei-jin no Waka Mono "Young Nameckians"- Three Nameckian soldiers who try to defend Muuri's village. They are all killed by Dodoria.

Nise Supa Senshi "Fake Super Soldiers"- When Goku and Vegeta are wandering around in Buu's stomach they run into fake copies of Gotenk, Gohan, and Piccolo. These arn't the real ones so they are all taken out fairly easy.

Nikki- One of Garlic Junior's men. He is quite powerful but is killed by Goku's Kamehameha.

Neizu- One of Koola's special forces members in DBZ Movie 5. He is killed by Piccolo.

Neiru "Nail"- The most powerful Nameckian on planet Nameck. He is Guru's special guardian. He faces Freeza but is beaten very badly. Freeza leaves him to die when found out the dragon was summoned. Piccolo comes and they fuse together.

Nokku- A competitor in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He faces Vegeta. Then when he called Vegeta old and told him to die he gets punched into a brick wall.

Baata- This is the tall blue member of the Ginyu Force. He has super speed. Goku knocks him out and Vegeta kills him.

Bardock- This is Goku's father. He was killed by Freeza's giant Death Ball. When he was dying he realizes he was not destined to kill Freeza it was his son.

Baio Senshi tachi "Bio Warriors"- A group of Bio warriors in DBZ Movie 11 created by Jyaga's scientists.

Baio Burori "Bio Brolly"- When Jyaga was creating a clone of Brolly Bio Brolly awoke. He is pretty lame and is killed by rain.

Baio Man "Bio Man"- Little copies of Saibamen in DBZ Movie 2. There weak unless they attack in a group they overcome their opponent.

Paikuhan "Pikehan"- He fights Goku in DBZ Movie 12. He is very boasful and loud.

Haiya Dragon "Haiyla Dragon"- Gohan's dragon friend in DBZ Movies 3, 4, and 5. He became friends with Gohan when he was rescued from the forest that was on fire and Gohan saved a flaming tree from falling on him.

Basu Jyakuhan "Bus Hijackers"- Three criminals who hijack a Satan City Bus full of seniors.

Hacchi- The chinese orphan Gohan meets when he tries to escape his training with Piccolo.

Pato Kaa o Kowa Sareru Keikan "Patrol Car Police Officers"- A pair of police officers that try to pull Androids 16, 17, and 18 for stealing cloths from the clothing store. Number 18 flies ou the window and blos up the police car but doesn't kill the officers.

Babidi- The son of Bibidi. He created Majin Buu millions of years before Dragon Ball started. While Buu was fighting Goku he asks why he is obeying Babidi when he could easily kill him. Buu thinks about that a second then turns around and punches Babidi's head off.

Baburusu "Bubbles"- King Kai's little monkey. He gives a good training. You run around and try to catch him which is very hard if your power level is only 1000. That's because the gravity where he is is 10 times earths gravity but Bubbles is used to it.

Papoi- The Sothern Kaiou's best student. The Sothern Kaiou said Papoi could mop the floor with Goku. The Northern Kaioou and the Sothern start arguing and Goku is training with two ton weights one on each arm and leg. King kai tells the Sothern Kaiou to change each weight to 10 tons each. He does it and Goku starts to lower to the ground. But then he turns Super Saiyan and did it like nothing.

Karoni- One of Mr. Satan's pupils Who treis to fight Cell but he ends up having a hole in the ground the same shape as him.

Paragasu "Paragus"- The father of Brolly seen in DBZ Movie 10. He controlled Brolly with a little thing he has on his hand. Brolly has a little thing on his head.

Bari Kaan "Barry Kahn"- A teen super star who Buu treis to impersonate by reshaping his face.

Pan- Gohan and Videls daughter. She was born in 779 AD. She competes in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai at age five. She has a power level of 35,000,000.

Piiza "Pizza"- Mr. Satan's agent who makes announcements for him and tells everyone how wonderful he is. You see her during the Cell Game.

Bideru "Videl"- Mr. Satan's daughter and strongest human. She was born in 756 AD. She finds out everything about Gohan and his family because she likes him. She finds out Gohan was the one who defeated Cell and not her father. She maries Gohan sometime after the Cell Saga.

Bibidi- Babidi's father. He sealed Majin Buu in a sphere because Buu threatened him. He hid it so nobody would find it.

Pigero- A fifteen year old boy who defends the orphans that Gohan runs into when he tries to escape his training with Piccolo.

Bigu Gete Suta "Big Guetti Star"- A space ship in DBZ Movie 6. It has Koola's brain in the center so he petty much controls it. He capture Goku and Vegeta and starts to drain their energy into the ship. Goku and Vegeta turns Super Saiyan and give the ship all it wants. The ship explodes from to much energy.

Piccolo Daimaou "Piccolo the Great Demon King"- The incarnation of evil. When the original Piccolo became god and was cleansed of all evil. The evil side of him was removed and became Piccolo Daimaou.Daimaou was sealed in the Denshi Jar but in 753 AD he was freed. Goku kills him by jumping through his chest. Right then he spit out an egg.

Piccolo Ma Jyunia "Demon Junior"- He has his fathers memories and somethingextra. He has a conscience. He shows up in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai and you don't see him again untill the Saiyan Saga. He kills Radditz and Goku. He trains Gohan and starts to become not such a bad guy. You see he has feeling for him when he sacrifices his life for Gohan when he gets in the way of Nappa's blast.

Bido- A guy in DBZ Movie 9 who looks kind of like Android 13 with hair.

Binega "Vinegar"- One of Garlic Juniors men. He's one of the last men to die in the Garlic Junior Saga.

Pyon Tatto- A competitor in the childrens division of the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He wins because his opponent starts crying.

Hirudegaan "Hildegarn"- A monster in DBZ Movie 13. He was created by a group of magicians who cast a spell on a statue. He is defeated by Goku's Dragon Fist.

Pui Pui- A guardian on Babidi's ship. Babidi made the floor Pui Pui was on 10 times earth thinking it would be hard for Goku and Vegeta to move around But Goku and Vegeta have already trained at a much higher level than that. Vegeta kills Pui Pui easily.

Puuaru- One of Yamca's friends. Born in the year 740 AD. They meat in the year 747 AD. He becomes a less and less important character as the series moves on.

Fuuragu "Frog"- A frog guy that competes in the Annoyoichi Budoukai. He's not very strong but he can expand and force his opponent out of the ring.

Fuku Ya no Oyaji "Clothing Store Man"- The owner of the clothing store that Android 18 steals from. He notifies the police but they were not much help.

Bura "Bra"- Vegeta and Bulma's second child born in 778 AD. She's more girlish unlike Pan who is a tom-boy.

Furiiza "Freeza"- Freeza is one of the major villains in Dragon Ball Z. He goes around killing everything on a decent planet and then sells it. He thinks he's the stronget being in the universe but wipes out the Saiyans because he is afraid of the legendary Super Saiyan. He didn't kill three of the Saiyans though because never thought they would become Super Saiyans. He is killed by Super Saiyan Goku on the planet Nameck but is rebuilt by his father and comes back for revenge. Trunks kills him on earth.

Freeza no Tei "Freeza's Scouts"- Two of Freeza's scouts that Gohan and Krillin run into on the planet Nameck. They are killed quickly.

Buriifu Hakase "Dr. Briefs"- The head of the Capsule Corporation. Born around 700 AD. He invented Goku's spaceship to go to Nameck and Vegeta's spaceship. The Capsule Corp. invents little capsules that you press a butten and throw it on the ground and you get a vehicle or something depending on what kind you got.

Buruma "Bulma"- Bulma is Dr. Briefs daughter born in 733 AD. She invents the Dragon Radar. She marries Vegeta and has two children named Trunks and Bra.

Buruma no mama "Bulma's mom"- Bulma's mom is the blond perky lady you see sometimes. She's always flirting with Goku, Vegeta or some guy.

Buroi "Brolly"- Brolly is the Legendarry Super Saiyan. He was born with a power level of 10,000. if you don't know if that's big Vegeta was born with a power level of 5. Goku was born the very day Brolly was. Goku's crying made brolly hate him. Brolly and his father were to be executed. Brolly for such a high power level as a baby. His father for having such a baby. King Vegeta was afraid Brolly would take over and rule. You see him in DBZ Movie 8, 10 and 11.

Bun- The leader of the ship of orphans Gohan, Krillin and Bulma run into on their trip to Nameck.

Tunka- A competitor in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. He faces off against Krillin and tells him how bad he's going to beat him. Krillin is embarrassed and KOed him in a single punch.

Bee- The little dog Buu and Mr. Satan becomes friends with. After the Buu Saga the dog goes and lines with Mr. Satan.

Bekou "Vekou"- Vekou is the messed up fusion of Goku and Vegeta. You might of heard of him as Fat Gogeta. It happens because instead of extending his index finger while fusing Vegeta makes a fist. While fighting Janenba and geting kicked around he's farting. He defuses in 30 minutes.

Bejiita "Vegeta"- The prince of the Saiyan race or son of King Vegeta. He was born in 732 AD. Freeza kills his father and Vegeta works for Freeza untill Vegeta fights him on planet Nameck. Vegeta is only stronger than Goku for a short time. That was when he was training and traveling all over the universe. He can only reach Super Saiyan 2. He turns Super Saiyan 4 with the help of Bulma. She created a device called the Brute Ray.

Vegeta Ou "King Vegeta"- The ruler of the planet Vegeta and father of Vegeta. He is killed by Freeza.

Bejiito "Vegetto"- This is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta with the Potara Earings. Vegetto is extremly powerful and cocky. He plays with Buu instead of killing him. Buu absorbs Vegetto and it splits them apart.

Hebi Hime "Princess Snake"- A snake lady who lures people on to her castle by Snake Way. She became princess in 739 BD. She tried to steal Goku's heart but it didn't work so she tried to eat him but she just got tangled up.

Hoi- The 1,000 year old black magician in DBZ Movie 13. He is crushed by his own creation.

Bojyakku "Bojack"- The main villain in DBZ Movie 9. He looks like a blue pirate. He hardly says anything. Gohan kills him as Super Saiyan 2.

Bokujyou no Oyaji- The farmer in the first episode Dragon Ball Z. He is killed by Radditz.

Marron- Marron is Krillin's and Android 18's daughter. She looks much like her mother.

Maitei Masuku "Mighty Mask"- Mighty Mask is a competitor in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai that wears a mask. Trunks and Goten wanted to be in the adults divistion so they still Mighty Mask's costume. Trunks rides on Goten's shoulders. They fight Android 18 but she figures out it's them and she rips off their costume.

Majin Buu- Majin Buu was created by Bibidi around 5 million BC. Buu was really little untill he absorbed two of the Kaoushin's. That's what created Fat Buu. He was very childish and would do anything for food. Then he threatened Bibidi and Bibidi sealed him away in a sphere and hid him so nobody could find him. Buu is ressurected in 774 AD. He does anything Bibidi tells him. While Buu was fighting Goku, Goku asked why he is obeying Bibidi when he could easily defeat him. Buu turns around and hits Bibidi's head off. Then Buu does everything his way. He becomes friends with Mr Satan and reforms himself. Two humans come along and shoot Mr. Satan and Buu's dog. Buu then goes crazy. Steam shoots out of holes in his body and forms Old Buu. Old Buu is the evil version of Buu. Old Buu and Fatt Buu face off and Fat Buu is turned into a piece of chocolate. Old Buu eats the chocolate and turns into Super Buu. Super Buu goes to Kami's Tower and fights Gotenks. He absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo. Buu fights Gohan and absorbs him. Goku and Vegeta then fuse to form Vegetto. Vegetto is then absorbs and the fusion is stopped. Goku and Vegeta find everyone that has been absorbed and takes them out of Buu. They get everyone out of Buu along with Fat Buu. Buu is no the short person he started out as. He is finally killed by Goku's Ultimate Spirit Bomb.

Maboroshi Saiya-jin "Illusion Saiya-jin"- The Saiyans that Krillin, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Choazu fight when they go 100 years into the past.

Maron- Krillin's girlfriend in the Garlic Jr. saga. She looks kind of like Bulma. She leaves Krillin for another guy.

Misuta Satan "Mr. Satan"- The guy in DBZ that everyone thinks is the hero. Everybody thinks he killed Cell and Buu. He is strong but is nothing compared to the Z fighters. He lives with fat Buu. He may not sound like a good guy but he's actually a very good guy.

Misuta Satan Fyan Kurubu "Mr. Satan's Fan Club"- A group of girls that chase Mr. Satan around to look at him.

Misuta Popo "Mr. Popo"- Mr. Popo is Kami's servant. He has been the servant of all the Kami's. He doesn't look powerful but he did train Goku.

Minkattsun- The fat Android in DBZ Movie 2. Goku says he's as soft as a marshmello while fighting him. Goku kills him by flying through him with the Kaioukan.

Minami no Kaioushin "Southern Kaioushin"- This is the Northern Kaioushins rival. He helps train Goku.

Monoshiya- Minoshiya is Tapion's younger brother. He was killed at the beginning of DBZ Movie 13.

Muuri- Muuri is Dende's and Kargo's father. He is the eldest Nameckian when Guru dies on earth.

Musuka- The owner of a circus in Satan City. He steals a baby and puts it in his circus.

Meido Roboto "Maid Robot"- A maid robot that works for the Capsule Corporation.

Mezu- The red ogre Goku plays tag with to get back to Snake Way.

Meda Muchya- The frog type bodyguard for Slug in DBZ Movie 4. He is killed by Goku.

Metaru Koola "Metal Koola"- The villain in DBZ Movie 6. He's very powerful and he can regenerate himself. There are thousands of copies of him created by the Big Ghetti Star. Goku and Vegeta ar defeated by all of them.

Menmen- Jyaga's nephew in DBZ Movie 11. He carries out messages for his uncle.

Moai Ou "King Moai"- The evil king of Arlia who took over the planet by force. Vegeta kills him.

Moukeko- A man Pan faces off against in the 28th Tenkaichi Boudoukai. Pan beats him up with a slap kick.

Moumoku no Shynen "Blind Boy"- A blind boy who becomes Buu's friend. Buu wonders why the boy isn't scared of him and he finds out it's cause the boy can't see. Buu heals his eyes and the boy thanks him.

Yajirobe- Yajirobe is the fat guy you see in DBZ. He you see him during the Saiyan Saga, Freeza Saga, and Cell Saga. He's one of the people that are important but slowly just fade away.

Yamucha- Yamucha was born in 733 AD. He was a thief in DB. He and Bulma become boyfriend and girlfriend and it's like that for a long time. He is killed in the Saiyan Saga by the Saibamen. After Bulma wished him back to earth with the Nameckian Dragonballs she wasn't interested in him that much. After the Cell Saga he quits training.

Yuudou Roboto "Guidance Robot"- A robot in DBZ Movie 6. He's funny the way he talks tothe people he captures. He blows up when the Big Guetii Star blows up.

Yuzukaa- Goku's old driving instructer that survives goku's crazy driving when Chi Chi wanted a car to drive instead of walking.

Raichi- The alien that trys to trap Gahan, Krillin, and Bulma, on the fake planet Namek so he could steal their spaceship and go to a better planet.

Raimu "Lime"- A girl gohan meats after training for the Cell Game. Gohan rescued her from a river.

Rakasei- One of the little purple twins in DBZ Movie 3 who worked for Taurus.

Radeitsu "Radditzu"- Goku's older brother that shows up in the first few episodes of DBZ. He came to earth wondering why Goku didn't kill all the life off the planet. Goku and Piccolo team up and killed him.

Rikuumu "Reekuumu"- One of the members of the Ginew force that beat up Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta at the beginning of the Freeza Saga. After Vegeta eats a Senzu Bean he kills him.

Rezun "Raisin"- The other purple twin in DBZ Movie 3 that works for Taurus.

Remuria "Lemlia"- The princess on the planet Arlia that was forced to marry the evil king.

Rou Kaioushin "Revered Kaioushin"- The anchient Kaioushin that fused with the old witch with the Potara earings. He was also trapped in the Z Sword by an evil magician. He was released when Gohan Tested the Sword on hard objects and shattered the sword.

Roboto "Robot"- A robot Gohan finds in the underground ruins. The robot would have slept for eternity if Gohan wouldn't have found it. It had already been there for 80 years.